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CC 06-28-1999
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City Council Minutes
CC 06-28-1999
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 28, 1999 <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />accept this option. Thcy would want to put into writing tl1at, if somc of their fears for safety duc <br />to weaving patterns arise, they would eliminate all local accesses from or onto US Highway 10. <br /> <br />Coullcilmember Larson asked what local accesses Mr. Tolaas was referring to. Mr. Tolaas statcd <br />tl1at he was referring to the opening to Scherer Lumber and tl1c Big 10Supper Club. <br />Councilmember Larson noted tllat tl1ese accesses would bc closed off with the new proposal. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated tl1at the only access, which would remain, was the access for Scherer Lumber. <br />He noted, however, that the loss of access would be made up by the construction of a frontage <br />road. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone expresscd his bclief that the City of Arden Hills is bcing held to a higher <br />standard by the Mimlesota Department of Transportation than otl1er cities. There is pressure <br />being put on the City for long-term vision, which is not being put on other cities, and it appears <br />as though other communities are allowed to follow different rules. <br /> <br />With regard to the spacing of interchanges, Councilmember Malone stated that the high level of <br />traffic, which would be dumped onto Highway 694, with the proposed upgradcs, would be too <br />closc to Lcxington A venue. It sccms to him tl1at if it is convenient for the Minnesota Department <br />of Transportation to not pay attention to tl1e rules, it is acceptable. Howevcr, Arden Hills is <br />expected to havc long-tcrm vision. He expressed his belief that the State should create a super- <br />interchange at I-35W and Highway 694 and leave US Highway 10 as a local access. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone stated that he understands the need for vision. He would be less <br />reluctant iftl1ere was a good plan, if the City of Arden Hills was treated the same as other <br />communities and if the Milmesota Department of Transportation were willing to provide a long- <br />teml commitment for future construction. He noted that if this issue is not resolved, the <br />Highway 96 improvements may not bc accomplished since the turnback funds may not be <br />applied. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone stated tl1at the Arden Hills taxpayers pay a great deal of State Tax and <br />get very little back in return. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson noted that if tl1e new proposal were approved, it would make it diflicult for fire <br />trucks to access tl1e Arden Manor Mobile Home Park. <br /> <br />With regard to the maintenance oftl1e frontage road, Mr. Pritsinger asked Mr. Tolaas how the <br />ownership and future maintenance responsibilities of the different configurations would take <br />place. Mr. Tolaas stated that the frontage road would be a municipal access road. <br /> <br />With regard to Councilmember Malone's conccrns, Mr. Tolaas statcd tl1at he had not intended to <br />suggest that the turn-back funds would not be available tor the Highway 96 reconstruction. He <br />indicated that there arc certain types of features which the State feels are not mecting tl1e <br />standards. Councilmember Malone stated that when he sees money being spent on projects <br />which are poorly designed, such as WisPark in Shoreview, he feels as tl10ugh the City of Arden <br />Hills is being held to a different standard. <br />
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