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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 30, 1999 <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />stored in the lower level as well. The intent is to use grass or gravel for the access ramp with a <br />nice retaining wall and landscaping. <br /> <br />Once the building site is determined, Mr. Nelson stated that he intends to hire a professional <br />landscaper to determine which trees on site will be salvageable. He hoped to salvage as many <br />trees as possible, bowever, many of the trees are box elders and cottonwoods which will have to <br />be removed to make room for the building. Once this is determined, he planned to discuss the <br />screening with the residential neighbors. Some of the homeowners to the north want trees while <br />others prefer fencing. He will be happy to install a fence for the homeowner to the east, <br />however, they may not want a full 6-foot high fence. He noted the residence to the east is only <br />four and one-half feet from the property line. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson stated that the basement would only be accessed during working hours and <br />occasionally on weekends. He indicated that carrying the large files down stairwells would not <br />work well for him and a ramp inside would take up too much space. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that he was pleased to see a development proposal for this comer. With <br />regard to the Welcome to Arden Hills sign, he asked if the City should ask for the easement now <br />in order to protect this opportunity. Mr. Nelson stated that this requirement could be added to the <br />developer's agreement as he would like to see the sign installed. He hoped that the sign would <br />use materials similar to those on his building and that it will not be as large as the sign in <br />Shoreview at Higbway 96 and Lexington Avenue. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski asked what sort of doorway would be installed for the access ramp. <br />Mr. Nelson stated that a seven-foot by 10-toot garage door would be used. Councilmember <br />Aplikowski asked if this would be to allow a vehicle to be driven into the basement. Mr. Nelson <br />stated that this was correct. Councilmember Aplikowski asked how wide the ramp would be. <br />Mr. Nelson stated that the ramp would be 10-feet wide, the required width ofa driveway. He <br />noted that there had been concerns of him parking cars in the basement of the building. In order <br />for this to be done the structure would have to be entirely different than proposed with items such <br />as ventilation, and this was not his intent. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski asked if there would be another way to access the basement. Mr. <br />Nelson stated that there would have to be an inside stairway. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson asked if the applicant was proposing a concrete slab at the bottom of the <br />access ramp. Mr. Nelson stated that there will have to be some sort of hard surface to allow for a <br />catch basin drain. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson confirmed that the proposed curb cut off Country Road D was to allow <br />for access to the ramp. Mr. Nelson stated that this was correct. Commissioner Larson asked if <br />there will be grass from the curb cut to the access ramp. Mr. Nelson stated that blocks with cut- <br />outs may be used and the plan was to landscape the south side of the building. Councilmember <br />Larson asked if there was a reason for not proposing a more formal driveway to the access ramp. <br />Mr. Nelson stated that the intent was to install a gravel or grass driveway to slow the water flow <br />