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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 30, 1999 <br /> <br />15 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The City received and reviewed requests for proposals from three firms, BR W, McCombs, <br />Frank, Roos Associates, Inc., and Resource Strategies Corporation, to create the TCAAP Civic <br />Center Zoning District. It appeared that all three firms are qualified to undertake this <br />assignment. However, there were significant differences in proposed compensation for the <br />professional services. The firm that the City used for its Comprehensive Plan update, McCombs, <br />Frank, Roos Associates, Inc., could perform these services at significant savings. Staff was <br />favorably impressed with the firm for this larger consulting engagement. <br /> <br />Mr. Post advised that staff recommends the City Council select the firm of McCombs, Frank, <br />Roos Associates, Inc. for planning services in conjunction with the creation of the Civic Center <br />Zoning District for TCAAP, and authorize the Interim City Administrator to complete necessary <br />contract documents for the engagement. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that he supported staffs recommendation. He noted that the City has had <br />direct experience with two of the three firms who submitted proposals and have supplied solid <br />work for the City of Arden Hills. McCombs, Frank, Roos Associates, Inc. had a significant <br />advantage, having worked on the City Comprehensive Plan. Councilmember Larson occurred <br />and noted that, McCombs, Frank, Roos Associates, Inc. did a nice job on the Comprehensive <br />Plan and the firm will not have to start from square-one which was reflected in the cost for their <br />services. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Aplikowski seconded a <br />motion to select the firm of McCombs, Frank, Roos Associates, Inc. for planning <br />services in conjunction with the creation ofthe Civic Center Zoning District for <br />TCAAP, and authorize the Interim City Administrator to complete necessary <br />contract documents for the engagement. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />C. Resolution #99-26, Resolution Designating "No Parking" Restrictions Along a <br />Portion of Cleveland Avenue <br /> <br />Mr. Stafford explained that, with the reconstruction of the railroad bridge, the City Council was <br />being asked to adopt resolution #99-26 to limit parking on a portion of Cleveland A venue. The <br />segment of the roadway in this area is 32 feet which is not enough to support parking on both <br />sides of the street. Ramsey County has asked the City of Arden Hills to limit the parking in <br />order for the County to receive state aid approval of the project. <br /> <br />Mr. Stafford advised that staff recommends the City Council adopt Resolution #99-26, <br />designating "No Parking" restrictions on the east side of Cleveland A venue from the south side <br />of the Soo Line railroad bridge to Thorn Drive. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst asked if there was a reason why Ramsey County was asking to restrict parking on <br />the east side and not the west side. Mr. Stafford stated that he was not sure, although the east <br />side does have a sidewalk. Mayor Probst stated that, if the residents in the area were to use this <br />portion of Cleveland Avenue for parking, it would seem that the east side would be more <br />convenient. <br /> <br />. <br />