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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 30,1999 <br /> <br />19 <br /> <br />. Mr. Post stated that in the past several years the City has held a City staff/Council/volunteer <br />recognition picnic. He asked the Council if they would want to proceed with such an event this <br />year. Mayor Probst stated that he would support holding the picnic, providing it can be <br />accomplished with the reduced staff level. If Mr. Post believed this could be accomplished, <br />Mayor Probst would welcome the opportunity to recognize the volunteers and to thank staff for <br />their efforts. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski stated that one challenge to this picnic would be picking a date and <br />suggested the October Worksession. Mr. Post noted that this may be too late for an outdoor <br />event. He suggested that, if the City Council wished to explore the possibility, he would identify <br />some dates on the calendar and contact a caterer as well as look into the use of the Fire Hall. <br />Councilmember Larson stated that the picnic was a good idea and offered to help if there was <br />anyway the Council could take some pressure off staff. Councilmember Aplikowski suggested, <br />ifthe event will be indoors, it could be held in November with a Thanksgiving theme. <br /> <br />With regard to the tragic traffic accident last Friday on Highway 694 at Highway 10, Mr. Post <br />stated that he had commented to the media concerning the community's reaction to the incident. <br />Mr. Post noted that, as discussions take place to improve the Highways 694/1 0 corridor, the <br />focus has been on congestion and how to move traffic through. This incident also outlined for <br />him the importance of safety considerations as well. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone noted that the accident occurred on west hound Highway 694 and it was <br />not clear exactly what happened. It appeared as though the driver was in the wrong lane at the <br />Highways 694/1 0 intersection and had to weave over in order to continue on Highway 694. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS AND COMMITTEE LIAISON ACTIVITY REPORTS <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson stated that in the Land Conveyance Bill there had been a statement that <br />indicated the use ofthc City Hall complex and the Maintenance Facility by the Minnesota <br />National Guard shall be without cost. He agreed that the use of the City Hall complex shall be <br />without cost. However, the Maintenance Facility was to be a shared facility. Mayor Probst <br />stated that he had interpreted this statement differently. It had been his impression that the <br />Minnesota National Guard could use the portion that the City builds, to the extent that it works <br />with the City's schedule, at no cost. Another facility will need to be built by the Minnesota <br />National Guard and there was no indication that the Guard expected to receive a free facility. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson expressed concern for the Minnesota National Guard not being able to <br />sharc the cost of the Maintenancc Facility because of the language in the Bill. He suggested that <br />staff review the language of the Land Conveyance Bill. Mayor Probst suggested that Mr. Post <br />pursue this with the Minnesota National Guard. Mr. Post agreed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />With regard to the letter received by the City from Mr. Charles Bright, Councilmember Larson <br />askcd what the circumstances had been surrounding the reported vandalism. Mr. Post explained <br />that a car drove onto Mr. Bright's property causing damage to the lawn. Mr. Bright has had this <br />occur on three occasions in 1998, and at least twice this year. His home is not on a corner lot and <br />