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<br /> '^ ,. j\'; i n u ';~(; ~~; O"f h::,: gu i :.'; :-. COJ~C i I ;'.,ic,,:::t j ng U6cembar 29, 1975 <br /> Page -,"l,iO <br /> . l <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE NCNIESH <br /> 1976 Bud~~~~2ecl~1 an~~~~Funds in the Special and Uti Ii ty <br /> McNlesh referred Council to suggested changes <br /> Funds, recommended by the Finance Commfttee. <br /> In discussion, COLinei I amended the Special and Uti I ity Funds as <br /> follows: Reduce transfers from Uti I ity Funds to Public Works Reserve <br /> Fund; delete Site Improvement from Park Fund pending completion <br /> of 5 i te Improvement Long Range Plan. <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Crichton, that Counci I approve the 1976 <br /> - Special and u.~ If i Ty Funds 8udget, as amended. MOTion carried unani- <br /> mously. <br /> Coune I I suggesTed thai" Finance Committee study balances In Ut i II ty <br /> and Pub lie Works Rese I've Fun ds. <br /> . 1976 LI censes <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Crichton, that Counci I approve the I r censes <br /> as listed, excluding #23 which is an app Ii cat i on for permit approval; <br /> approval of four Rubbish Hauler Licenses is subject to approval of <br /> the Health Officer. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Minneapolis Hide and Tallow - Rendering Plant Permit <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Crichton, that Counci I approve the 1976 <br /> Rendering Plant Permi+ for Minneapolis Hide arod Tallow Company. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Waiver of Li cense Fees approve the wai ver ~, <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Crepeau, that Counci I <br /> of license fees for vending machines (#2 through #5 on list) as <br /> submitted. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> (Li brary "wai ver of sign , i censo fee" was excluded from Counc I I app rova I , <br /> pending clarification of sign licensing "eq u i remenTs for pUblic build- <br /> ings; to be included ; n review of Sign Ord i nBroce.) <br /> Claims and Payroll <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by ~Jjngert, that Counci I approve the Claims <br /> and Payroll as amended (deleting check '8195). Motion carried unani- <br /> mously. <br /> 1976 Committees and Commissions <br /> Names of persons who have expressed an interest in Committee and Com- <br /> mission appoinTment were given to Council for its consideration; appoint- <br /> men ts to be made at Counc i I Meeti ng on January 2, 1976. <br /> 1976 Vi Ilage Appointments <br /> The , i st of Village Appointments for 1976 ~Ias discussed; appointments <br /> were deferred to Council Meeting of January 2, 1976. <br /> Employee Salarie~ <br /> Counci I discussed 1976 employee salaries; determinations will be made <br /> by Counci I at January 2, 1976 Counc i I Mee';- i ng. <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by~qeri-, that Counci I authorize payment <br /> of $100.00 extra compBnsatio~ 0 Clerk Administrator McNiesh and to <br /> Public Works Supervisor Johansen as a token of Counci I appreciation <br /> for "jobs ~Iell done in 1975". Motion carried unanimously. <br /> . Adjournment <br /> The mee?ing adjourned at II: 47 p.m. <br /> ........ ~~~. <br /> Charlo'i"te McNiesh <br /> Clerk Administrator <br /> Notice of ~eet~ <br /> The next Special Counci I Meeting wi II be held on Friday, January 2, <br /> 1976 aT 5:30 p.m. a'~ ihe Village Hall. <br /> -2- <br />