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<br /> T <br /> . ..,. <br /> MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING <br /> V i I I ana of Arden Hi! Is <br /> Monday, December 8, 1975 .. 7::30 p . m. <br /> VillaneHall <br /> Ca II to Orde r <br /> The meeting was cilll ed to order by Acting Mayor Crichton at 7:30 p.m. <br /> Roll Ca II <br /> PrilSent .. Acting !~ayor Charles Crkhi'on, Councilmen William Feyerelsen, <br /> James Wingert, Robet-t Woodburn (8: 38 p.m.). <br /> Absent .. Mayor Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. <br /> Also Present - Attorney J a me s Lynden,. Treasurer Dona I d Lamb, Clerk <br /> Administrator Charlotte McNiesh, Deputy Clerk Dorothy Zehm. <br /> Approval of ~~i nutes <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Feyerei sen, that the Minutes of the Regu- <br /> . lar Council Meeting of November 24, 1975, be approved as amended. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> BUS!NESS FROt~ THE FLOOR <br /> None. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE ATTORNEY JAMES L YNDEN <br /> Case No. 74-14 , Pemtom Townhouse VI I lages North, Third Addition <br /> Lynden rEdarred Ccunci I to his letter of 12/4175, re Open Space <br /> Easements and Covenants and Develoyment Agreements for Townhouse <br /> V i II ages North, Third Addition. <br /> " <br /> After review of the sevet-al contingencies noted, Counc i I de ferred <br /> action unti I the Counci I meeting of Decembe r 22, 1975. <br /> Case _No. 72 -35. Pemtom Townhouse Vi I lages. Additions I through 7 - <br /> Landscape Bonds <br /> Mr. Robert Loner, President of Townhouse Vi I lages Homes Association, <br /> was present and explained that the Homes Association des i res accep- <br /> tance of the area (Additions I th rough 7) ; explained that the tot <br /> lots w I II be installed, but they would prefer not near Hamline <br /> Avenue, because of its close proximity to the road; will submit a <br /> plan indicating an aiternate location and equipment to be installed. <br /> Wingert explained that Counci I has approved a plan, and the developer <br /> must obtain approval of any significant changes from that approved <br /> p; ne.. siting of tot lot, delineation of pathways and/or alternate <br /> locations of pathways are considered to be significant changes for <br /> which Counci I approval Is requ I red. <br /> Mr. Loner noted that the Homeowners Associ atl on has advised, In a <br /> letter to Pemtom. -copy to the Vi Ilage of Arden Hi lis, of a gas meter <br /> location hazard in Townhouse Viilages, but has not received a rep I y. <br /> Council was not aware of the letter and req ues ted Mr. Loner to see <br /> that a copy of the I ette r is forwarded to Council's attention. <br /> After discussion, Feyereisen moved, secon ded by Winget-t, that Counci I <br /> authorize release of the Landscape Performance Bond for Townhouse <br /> Villaqes, Addiltlon 7 . Performance Bonds to be substituted by Guaran- <br /> , <br /> . tee Bonds In the amount of 100% of the total improvement (Additions I <br /> through 7, Townhouse Villages) . Motion carried unan i mO'JS Iy. <br /> Case No. 75-36, Ca r I son Addition <br /> Lynden referred Counci I to his letter of 9/18/75 In which he recom- <br /> mended that a Registered Land Survey be prepared for Counci I approval, <br /> because most of the tan d to be divided is reg i stered prop'arty (Ramsey <br /> Coun ty Registrar of Titles will no.r accept lengthy meTes and bounds <br /> descr i pti ons) . <br /> An I mage of the formerly proposed lot spilt and proposed R.L.S., i ncl ud- <br /> ing a strip of land abutting S.T.H. No. 10 which is abstract property <br /> (Ramsey County street reo.w. ea,:;ement) , and the Carlson P,ddLti on plat <br /> (deleting the dedication for r.o.w.), were viewed by thl! Counci I" <br /> -1- <br />