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<br /> \ <br /> Mi nu-res of Re'1vl"H- Gaunc! I MeeT i n q Oct(.be r 14, 1975 <br /> Page four <br /> Lc. tt'!I_f rom Conom! 55 j one r RS>Ee i":L:!..:.....9.,t!l-!:?-I~ay!)r en" peE..!:!. <br /> CrepHau ,"afern,d Counc! 1 to lettsr da'f;3d 9/30/75 from Commi ss ioner <br /> Olth ,8 Jagislc,t!O:1 p I~opiose d bv Ramsey Co un ty du r i n 9 .the 1976 <br /> , <br /> intel"lm sassier, of the Minnesota S'rate Legi51"tlJre)_ asking for <br /> comm,lnts 0 <br /> r"icN i ()sh \'1i::S requested to send ccpies of the p ,'oposee! ';;gislatlon <br /> to the Counc: I 'for~ Its con51 deration. <br /> Northwestern Col'oqe <br /> Md~l ash v-HIS raq ues te d to schedu Ie fJ !unch3on meetinf! a" Northwestern <br /> . Co i I age \1 ith I-l"rold AI ford, Counc j! man W: nge r~> 7 La r ry Brodie an d <br /> Dorothy Zehm. <br /> A rde n Manor Status <br /> Fsyereisen re ported that He COilmun I ty bu I I d I r 9 i s under construction <br /> and Adams j s presen.tiy awaiting de I I ve ry of tt,ermo-pa,,,, '.indows; <br /> ,1J',dams advises he intoild5 to seed the mobi Ie home 10';'5 "h i s fa II <br /> (previously had I ntonded to sod); sales o'ff i Cf. has been removed <br /> frQm the po i"1<. and !ldams intends to take ove.. ilHl mobi IE home sa les; <br /> thfl pa rl< area tH2S no'r been started; AI"den Man\lr loof,s C(>os i darab I y <br /> nicer thEln ".c did a few rnoit'lths aco. <br /> I, ., <br /> Commissioner Donaid ~ a I va rda.._.~,!!~C-<L~~Le x i_il.9j" on AvenUE' <br /> Counc i i was referred to letter of October 1, ,975 from Ramsey County <br /> Commissioner- Don aid Saiverda re f u'i~ure of Lex! ngton Aw,nue, <br /> Coune I! cons j de l~a-r ion of this f1at-rer was de-fsiTed tn Counci I Mee t i 0 9 <br /> of O.;tooa r 20, 1975. <br /> COmlllissloner Frank D. Maniis!'! '-'iff",." :-3 l.f. 51 e"i'c ( !O/6!75l <br /> Cons f cAe rat i--0~ (-~f--ffi'a'~FFe.r--;ai~~(fB 'r-ef'r~;d~to-:rtJ t";lri:-'(Soun c i-r-- meeting, <br /> o"fter Counci I ciscusslons y.' i 1-h o r-rh an d Representatives Nelsen an d <br /> Novak Ie i'ha i r ~ecomn~endat i ens to Councl I a" "0 p roc"dure for <br /> , <br /> acquisition of easement for'i;dalking an d b j cv c: e t ra I I ~ <br /> Publ Ie Works COinmittse Resionatlon <br /> C~ape-~;ur:;-a;rle:tter 0 f res i"'g-na':~:T on f l~om tv\r. Ne,d>e rt R. Soukup as a <br /> ff1Bmbe r of the Pl1b i 1<:: Works COf1iJi1fttee~ <br /> fl:cN i ,~s h .H::S r,sq ues -b,3 d -to Wf"j i'e to Mr.. SoukuiJ ,;<p res~;' nn Counc iI's <br /> app re'c j at i on of his services on th(~ Public ',\rO I'ks Commi i-tee; letter <br /> "1"0 1;),:) signed by r.lavc!~ Crepf;;au. <br /> Feso 1 ut t on~j)a {. i,.n~ ~2a r!.~!~~l; !-_~22.~~n d.l!..~Ee hl!:~~rs~ <br /> Ii-a as urer Lamb was r'equ6ste:d to d ;"aft ~ reso) ltfon., 'fOl" Counci I <br /> COilS i de rat i on ~ defining purchasing plocedu,Bs, conditions for prior <br /> Counc i I appr'ova I, etc, <br /> ~0e"i".0 Was";'e COn"fro! <br /> Council n~que~:d-0d Pub lie ~':/cJrks Supervi sor JOhi:flsli:,n to d ra ft a reply <br /> to the fetter concerntnp 51"orm wa"~er infi ltl"'ai'ton i ni"o San i tal-y <br /> SClJf€ ;- i i nes after consu!"ting wIth Hen d~~ rsan :> Ch ri sto{" fc rsen and <br /> . ?'JD I I c i~or'l<.s Comm ittoe ~ j -i- was s~9g9s'ted tflat we're '" r~:adings b~ <br /> ,- <br /> obtained to measure effec.t at ver";ous 51"atiDi'lf.. <br /> :;;ol]2E..reh,~s i ve J~L~ll.~J3.Ei_yjQ..~_ <br /> Df; "re rr~e d to COllnci I rneetinq of OC"fobe f' 20 ~ 19~5. <br /> Case No~ 75-38, Bennett Goldberq ~ Lot S,Diit ~l,d Cot:solidatioo, Fill <br /> ~~Lr'l1l! r;: ~ and ? a r k_Ln ci_ Lo,i.~.~.2~~~n ;;n"Q!]"~--____~_d_"_~- ______u <br /> i)Gfe l-r6 d 'ro COLncl I rrtsetin!;' of OctobHC 20th;1 t'h.::H~ [1,1-, Co I dbe r9 <br /> ~-J j t f 0,'3 in attendanc~'3 . <br /> Sanson Matt~t <br /> Coul1cil--dlscussed its ~-espclnse re Benson ma"ftE i ~ <br /> -4- <br />