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<br />Minutes of Regular CouncIl Meeting <br />Page tour <br /> <br />September 8, 1975 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Fredlund referred Counci I to his report of 8/27/75, as well as to <br />the plans and documentation submitted with the application for an <br />Amended Special Use Permit (plans dated 8/19/75 and modifications <br />to the Presbyterian Homes Expansion Program, dated 8/8175), <br /> <br />Fredlund reported that th3 Planning Commission recommends Council <br />approval of issuance of an Amended Special Use Permit for the <br />construction and operation of the geriatric care center and unit <br />housing at Presbyterian Homes, in accordance with plans dated <br />8/19/75, subject to tour stipulations: <br />I. Over-all but Iding height of care center building be limited <br />to 24' above grods of east right-of-way line of Lake <br />Johanna Blvd. <br />2. Two stair tower~ to be re-deslgned to lower their physical <br />appearance. <br />3. Village Engineer's approval of the drainage plan. <br />4.. Receiving doors be posted to not permit deliveries <br />before 7 :00 a. fl. <br /> <br />I~r. Cederholm asked what road restrictions would be placed on <br />Sandeen Road. <br />Mayor Crepeau said they "Duld probably be the same as they are now; <br />no change is proposed. <br /> <br />~r. Dennis Bussard presclted a petition, Which he read to the Council, <br />and which he said Was signed by fifteen people. <br /> <br />E~~s~~~~ requested cllrification of the housing unit changes, <br />In the southeast corner of the site. Harty eXDlained that a <br />pitched roof is now proJosed - wi il give more height to the <br />structure, but was changed because it was felt that a sloped roof <br />would appear more reslrentual than the original fiat roof, with <br />clear - story windows; roof slopa was described as gradual; not <br />a steep A-'frame. <br /> <br />!192.QQML'1 requested cla,'ification of changed fl')or elevations - Horty <br />said each floor Is l'adu:ed from 12' to 10'8" in height - over-all <br />bui Iding height Is ,'edu:ed by el'9\.'en feet. <br /> <br />QricJ:l:t!;l!:\ asked Attorney Lynden If i'he Amended Special Use Permit <br />now requested is a new lppllcatlon. lynden s~id this Is correct <br />and referred Council to Ordinance 9'1, amended by Ord. 174, Section <br />III F, 2. General Cr'lteria for Graniing Special Use Permits; and <br />explalneo Thai GH ~~nr.3d Special Uso Permit is now requested based <br />on Sod'ion ':.'?!!. A"'erdments of Spe.~ial Use Permit Ire-application <br />for Permit that has be(n denied). <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Cederholm asked If the value ~f his house would go down If the <br />prop6sed constructions approved. <br />Mayor CreQeau said he ~ould not answ~r that question. <br /> <br />Hans laqetstrom suggested that Presbyterian Homes located the care <br />cents r I n the northwes' corm,,!, o'r the site because they did not <br />want to look at the bUlldl~g from the front of their existing <br />bui Idings; also statinr I~ will blocl~ the vietl of the lake for <br />residents across lake Joh3nna Blvd. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hamline said sh~ l:ves across the street from Prasbyterlan <br />Homes and objects tr tM. care center because i, is a business - <br />not connected to f'e Fost of the home; a commercial business <br />proposed for a r&Jide~tlal zone. <br /> <br />Mr. Guest sai<1 .~he most rep<3ated objection to the proposal Is the <br />size and ;,eI81"( of the b,ti Idlng - said It should be loc3ted nearer <br />the schoo!. <br />Hoc!:i said 'llct no matter where the care center building would be <br />located, l. would have visual Impact; feels that significant <br />modlflcatons have been made to both areas of proposed construction. <br /> <br />Rev. HJ;st~ said they have considered moving the structure <br />flll-the south, but the same type of complaint from neighbors then <br />effec'od \l1ould b. receh,13d, only the number of those aHected would <br /> <br />- 4~~~ <br />