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<br />. <br /> <br />M;ntd"us 0'[ Hegu I ar~ Counci l Meati ng <br />Pose '[!ve <br /> <br />) , <br />~.lay 12, 1975 <br /> <br />2. Need of Standards was disC'ussed. Counci I generally <br />concurred to skip over the standards at this time. It <br />was noted that we do have Parks and Open Space Standards,- <br />might be more logical to take some of the park standards <br />oUT (so Plan will nOT be so "binding".) <br /> <br />3. Transportation. Counci I noted that the Village has <br />several bus routes currently in operation; has requested <br />other routes, which have not been installed. It was noted <br />that Counci I wi II continue TO review possibilities for <br />transportati on '-outes. Coul1ci I noted that a paragraph <br />be inserted referring to general polley No. 24 on page <br />8 re performance standard controls. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />"4. Sanitary Sewers. It was noted that the Village Is currently <br />monitoring Its sewer collection system; a sentence should <br />be inserted which states this fact. <br /> <br />5. I~atural Resources. Counci I noted that the Vi Ilage wi I I <br />~ork wlth the State regarding shoreline management. <br /> <br />6. Recreation Open Space. Counci I decided to leave that <br />section as it Is. <br /> <br />7. Housing. After discussion of the existing balance of <br />housing in the Vi Ilage (single-fami Iy detached, single- <br />'family attached, apartments, mobile homes), Council <br />requested Fredlund to Insert a paragraph noting the <br />various housing types; possibly el imlnatlng the "10% <br />optimum for apartments" statement, but describing and <br />defining a moderately reasonable balance to be effected <br />between single-fami ly de"tached and other types of <br />residential housing. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Plan Review <br />Ccune: I 'noted the following proposed changes on pages I thru 15: <br />p. 3, No.7 - Flagged as a question. <br />p. :i, No.2 - ... will be checked for conformity... (Question: <br />By whom?) Wingert suggested this would be a <br />proper function of the Planning Consultant. <br />p. 5, No.3 - reworded: The City Plan shall be amended to <br />reflert any change in zoning, subdivision <br />practice or other development approved by the <br />governing body. <br />D. 6, No.9 - Omit last sente'1-:e in Its entirety. <br />p. 8 - Add: No. 26. Land wi II not be developed in such <br />a way as to Increase either the speed or <br />quantity of wGter run-off. <br />- Re apartment pol icies - Fredlund to give Counci <br />some suggestions at the next meeting - Instead <br />of iO% figure. <br />- I. was discussed and flagged for later re- <br />consideration. <br />p. 14 No.ll- <Transportation Pol.ieies) - Addec:: <br />Wherever possi b Ie these wi I! 011 "through" streets <br />rather than "dead end" streets. <br />No. 4- Delete "Darks and recreation facilities" <br />and substitute "land for public use" - (;ricnton <br />agreed to propose re-wordlng this to make It <br />more definitive (not limited to parks and <br />recreation). <br />p, 15, No.5 <Top of page) Word omissions were <br />School facl I itles should be mora <br />by re que s tin g th a t b u i I din gs - an d <br />avai lable ... <br />No.5 and. (Subdivision ~ollcles~ after discussion, <br />Feyereisen a9r~~ci iu rb~~rJ to clarify intended <br />meaning. <br /> <br />p. 9 <br /> <br />p. 10 <br /> <br />Inserted: <br />fully ut'i1ized <br />land ~ !'Iecle <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCN1ESH <br /> <br />Claim~ and Payroll <br />Crichj'on moved, seconded by wingert, that Counci I approve the Claims <br /> <br />-5- <br />