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<br />, , <br /> <br />Minutes of Special Counci I Meeting <br />Page f I v€, <br /> <br />February 18, '1975 <br /> <br />McNlesh was requested to inform Mounds View School District of the <br />Council's action and to relay Counci I 's concern re parking; recom- <br />mending that access and parking be reviewed. <br /> <br />Change in Administrative Procedure <br />Wingert reported that the Planning Commission has recommended that the <br />Planning Commission review final construction drawings, prior to issu- <br />ance of Building Permits. <br /> <br />Fredlund indicated that the proposed zoning ordinance does include this <br />procedure, and it is done in a number of communities - only for commer- <br />cial, industrial and multiple dwellings, to assure Council of compli- <br />,ance with special conditions. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Squires suggested that perhaps a sub-committee could handle the review <br />more quickiy; saving construction time for the applicant. <br /> <br />After discussion, the Councii generally felt that the review should be <br />made by the Buiiding Inspector - comparing final drawings with plans <br />approved by the Council. If a specific problem, or change, is noted, <br />this could be refel"red to the Planning Commission for review, or a copy <br />of t~e plan could be routed through the Planning Commission and Council. <br />It was felt that the magni~ude of the project .ould determine the pro- <br />cedure. Building Inspector could advise when plans are received on <br />large developments, and request help in the review If he desires. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER RICHARD O'KELLY <br /> <br />Investments <br />O'Kelly reported an investment of $190,000 for 6 months at 6.50% on <br />February 14, 1975. <br /> <br />Feyereisen moved, seconded by Crichton, that CounCil ratify the invest- <br />ment as reported. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LARRY SQU1RES <br /> <br />Squires referred Council to his memo of 2/14/75 and the Council dis- <br />,cussed the proposed new perm I t fee schedu I e and enforcement procedure <br />of the various Village codes with Mr. Squires. <br /> <br />How code violations are found, was discussed (i.e. signs which are in <br />violation or not licensed, construction, for which permits have not <br />been issued, exterior storage violations etc.) It was generally felt <br />that the Police Department and Building Inspector be cognizant of <br />Vi I lage Ordinances, reporting apparent violations for ordinance en- <br />forcement. <br /> <br />In discussion of the Blue Fox Inn, Squires noted that the owner has <br />been notified that the basement must be sprinklered before p~bl ic use <br />can be permitted. <br /> <br />It was noted by Wingert that the Special Use Permit was based on plans <br />presented for the main floor only; if basement is to be uti lized for <br />publIc use, an Amended Special Use Permit would be needed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In discussion of the proposed fee schedule, Council commented that the <br />fee charged should cover al I expenses, but not be profit making. <br />McNiesh was requested to submit an estimate of costs for Counci i con- <br />sideration at the next Councl I meeting. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> <br />1974 Financial Statement <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council approve the transfers <br />and authorize publication of the City of Arden Hi lis Financial State- <br />ment for Year Ended December 31, 1974. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Conference for Clerks and Finance Officers <br />Feyereisen moved, seconded by Crichton, that Counci I approve the atten- <br />dance of Charlotte McNiesh at the Conference for Clerks and Finance <br />Officers on March 12-14, 1975, at a cost of $45,00, Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />-5- <br />