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<br /> Minutes of Council Meeting December 9, 1974 <br /> Page three <br /> After discussion, In which It was noted that the delay in construc- <br /> tion, previously approved, was at the convenience of Tieso Electric, <br /> the motion did not carry (Olmen voting in favor of the motion; Crichton <br /> and Wingert voting In opposition). <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER RICHARD O'KELLY <br /> Treasurer O'Kelly reported that he has made no investments since his <br /> last report to Council on November 25, 1974. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JAMES WINGERT - Planning and Zoning, Board of <br /> Appeals <br /> Case No. 74-34, Special Use Permit - Verlle Nelson <br /> . Wingert reviewed the application for Special UsePe rm I t for a home <br /> occupation by Mrs. Veri ie Nelson, and referred Council to Minutes of <br /> the Planning Commission Meeting of November 26, 1974. <br /> Wingert complimented Mrs. Nelson for her efforts in effectively con- <br /> tro I I I ng truck traffic In the Arden HII Is #3 area, during this Interim <br /> period pend I og Counc II action re her application for Special Use Permit <br /> for home occupation. Wingert said that, unti I today, there have been <br /> no complaints, but evidently there was a truck there today, because <br /> he received a "rash of ca II s". <br /> Wingert described the operation briefly as follows: <br /> The Les Ritter Ditching Company perJorms work for N.S .P.and North- <br /> western Be I I Telephone Company, by sub-contracting to other contrac- <br /> tors; truckers come to Mrs. Ne I son for certain paper work operations _ <br /> invoices; paychecks, etc., and this Is what a preponderence of the <br /> neighbors <at the Public Hearing) objected to. He said they also <br /> objected to a bell In her yard, which evidently rings at unusual <br /> h ou r s , causing a nu j sance. Mr. Wingert briefly reviewed the Minutes <br /> of the Planning Commission Meeting and noted the Commission's <br /> recommendations to the Counci I to approve the Issuance of the Special <br /> Use Permit for this home occupation, subject to several conditions, <br /> which he read aloud. <br /> Mr. Brian Leonard, representing Mrs. Nelson, advised that the bel I <br /> ha s been disconnected, and will no longer be used. He said Mrs. <br /> Nelson agrees to comply with all the stipulations the Planning Commis- <br /> s ion has recommended as conditions of the Special Use Permit. <br /> Donna Johnson, attorney retained to represent neighbors opposing the <br /> home occupation, presented Counc i I with a petition, signed by approxi- <br /> mately 83 persons opposing the granting of a Special Use Permit to <br /> Ms. Veri ie Nelson at 1564 Edgewater Avenue. <br /> A chart was shown Indicating property locations of residents who signed <br /> the petition opposing the home occupation. ' <br /> DOhna Johnso'l stated the following: <br /> I. Sometimes as many as 8 trucks at one <br /> . time; parking in the driveway and <br /> 2. Edgewater Avenu~,is an extr <br /> . 3. There has been frouble wit 4 a morning <br /> hours, around 7:00 a.m. <br /> 4. Truck speed has been excessive sl,nce this dispatching operation <br /> ha s been in existence. <br /> 5. There are no sidewalks In the area. <br /> 6. Mr. Las Ri tter i s I I sted In the phone book at this address with <br /> a differen~ phone number from that of Mrs. Nelson. <br /> 7 . Mr. Ritter Is also II sted in the phone book at 2800 North Haml ine <br /> Avenue; evidently running his business from the 1564 Edgewater Avenue <br /> address. <br /> 8. L. Squires wrote to Ms. Ne I son re zoning ordinance viOlations, <br /> but Mr. Ritter was the only one who discussed the matter with Mr. <br /> Squires. <br /> 9. Residents of this neighborhood have purchased residential property <br /> and they have a right to expect it will remain residential. <br /> 10. In her own testimony, Ms. Nelson states It would be almost <br /> impossible to conduct the business without trucks. <br /> -3- <br />