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<br />-- / <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />August 26, 1974 <br /> <br />3. Delete condItions No.9 and 10. <br />4. In conditIon No. 12, delete phrase In brackets, lines? <br />and 3, and insert "public" before easement. <br />5. In condition No. 14, change "First" to "Seventh" Addition. <br />Change "near Hamllne Avenue" to "between Hamllne Avenue <br />and Arden View Court". <br />6. III condition No. 15, Insert "public" before park. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />HI~hway Department Dirt Removal Operation <br />FeyerelsQn reported extensive removal of dirt at the northwest corner <br />of 1-694 and Hamllne Avenue. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After discussion of the consequent Increased traffic noise In the <br />reslde~tlal area to the north, since the removal of the dirt, and <br />concern re the unsightly appearance of the deposited materials, the <br />matter of Village jurIsdiction was referred to Attorney Lynden, and <br />Feyer~lsen agreed to draft a letter to the Highway Department re the <br />Cound I 's concerns. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VillAGE ENGINEER DONALD lUND <br /> <br />Lar;>oros DItch Project <br />lUlld referred the Councl I to Northdale Construction Company's request <br />to delay construction of the lambros Ditch Project until after the <br />g"ound Is frozen, statIng that both he and Mr. Lambros agree that less <br />1amage to the property wi II occur If the work can be done during the <br />dnter season. <br /> <br />Feyerelsen moved, seconded by Crichton, that the Councl I approve the <br />time extension requested, provided that construction is completed by <br />March I, 1975, and landscaping Is completed by June I, 1975. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />McNlesh was requested to notIfy the other members of the Joint Powers <br />Agreement of the Councl I's action. <br /> <br />Arden Manor Status Report <br />lund referred the Councl I to the problems encountered In Arden Manor <br />MobIle Home Park re sewer lines, water system and roads. Mr. Adams saId <br />that the connection to the Village sewer line, north of the building, <br />was made last December before he was told not to connect; the line has <br />been plugged, but sometimes the aIr "goes out of the plug"; this man- <br />hole Is pumped out every day. <br /> <br />Lund reported he has not been able to verify the InspectIon of the <br />IndIvidual sewer lInes; Suburban has Inspected the connectIons only. <br />Lund advIsed that the four 141 sewer connections In the first AddItion <br />have tested satisfactorily; others to the City system should be plugged <br />pending satisfactory tests. He reported that the water system has not <br />been tested, and Information Is needed as to proposed capacity and <br />whether pre3ent well Is to be up-graded or a new well Installed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Adams reported that he proposes to up-grade the 8" well In the existing <br />park, whIch Is capable of producing 286 gpm. and will Install II ilew well <br />next summer. He said he does not expect to have more than 50 homes In <br />the new addition of the park this wInter. He said he has had trouble <br />getting the building constructed which will house the pressure tank for <br />the new wel I; consequently, It Is Impossible to comply with Suburban's <br />recommendations re the water system at thIs time. He said he plans to <br />start the building by September 1 and estimates completion of the bul Id- <br />lng by spring of 1975. <br /> <br />Adams requested an extension of time to complete the park construction <br />until June J, 1975, stating that 60% of the sewer lines are In, and all <br />of the water mains. He said he anticipates getting the curbs and streets <br />in this year and the swImming pool next spring. <br /> <br />It was noted that there appears to be very lIttle resemblance between <br />the mobIle homes recently moved Into the park and the "movllla" homes <br />orIginally I)roposed for the park. Adams said that "mavJlla" homes are <br />net belnR manufactured anymors; these homes are equIvalent to "movl: :6" <br />homes. <br /> <br />_?- <br />