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<br />L.
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<br />Purchase of Street Sweeper
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<br />Dwayne Stafford, Public Works Superintendent, advised that the City of Arden Hills currently
<br />owns one (1) 1980 Elgin Street Sweeping Machine, This was a used machine when purchased in
<br />1988, and was previously owned by the City of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, The trend of most cities
<br />is to replace a street sweeper when it is 8, 10, or 12 years old, The Public Works Department of
<br />Arden Hills has budgeted $110,000 for the replacement of this machine in 1997, Discussing this
<br />with the sales representatives for this brand of sweeper, Staff feels this is a reasonable figure
<br />which should cover the machinc and sales tax costs, This is a unique brand of street sweeper
<br />which is difficult to bid,
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<br />Mr, StatTord explained the State of Minnesota purchasing department has in place a Cooperative
<br />Purchasing Venture, which allows members of this agreement to purchase equipment and
<br />materials at the State's bid price, These items have previously been bid to state specifications,
<br />and contracts have been awarded for established time periods, If the City is a member of the
<br />State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture Program, they may buy directly off the state
<br />contract, This meets bidding requirements and eliminates the need to advertise for bids, This
<br />would also eliminate legal disputes, when not proceeding with the lowest bid, and simplify
<br />specification writing as you can use the state specifications,
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<br />Mr. Stafford explained the State contract for the street sweeper purchase was awarded to Mac
<br />Queen Equipment Company of St. Paul. This company contracts with the Elgin Pelican brand,
<br />which the City of Arden Hills is interested in, Mr, Stafford reported he and City Accountant Post
<br />had met with a representative of Mac Queen Equipment Company and they have agreed to
<br />purchase the current sweeper for $12,000 at the time of delivery of a new sweeper or $13,000, if
<br />they can take possession in January, allowing them time to refurbish it before spring,
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<br />Mr. StatTord advised the cost of a City membership in the State of Minnesota Cooperative
<br />Purchasing Venture is $350 annually and membership is not required every year, The cost of a
<br />new Elgin Street Sweeper form Mac Queen Equipment Company of St. Paul, utilizing the state
<br />bid, including trade-in and sales tax would be $85,411.94, This is below the $110,000 budgeted
<br />by the Public Works Department.
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<br />Mr. Stafford asked the Council to consider approval to join the State of Minnesota Cooperative
<br />Purchasing Venture and purchase the new Elgin Street Sweeper through the state bidding
<br />process,
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<br />City Accountant, Terry Post, noted that the total $110,000 capital item is budgeted, $55,000 from
<br />the general fund and $55,000 from the surface water management utility fund, He also noted a
<br />$12,000 trade- in amount was budgeted as 1997 General Fund Revenue, He noted the state bid
<br />has been for a two year fixed price for the street sweeper and this is the last quarter this fixed
<br />price will be in effect.
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