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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION - MARCH 17. 1997 4 <br />. <br /> City Administrator Fritsinger and City Accountant Post stated they had researched the <br /> city vs. suburban corner lot valuations used by assessors, and the only consideration used <br /> by Ramsey County assessors was the size of the lot, not the street location of the lot. <br /> Discussion was held regarding changes to consider in the existing Assessment Policy, the <br /> status the Finance Committee and Public Safety Commission's review of the policy, and <br /> whether their recommendations would be available for consideration for 1997 <br /> improvements. <br /> TONY BENNETT. RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONER <br /> Mayor Probst turned the meeting over to Commissioner Bennett for his comments. <br /> Commissioner Bennett expressed his appreciation to the City Council for inviting him, and <br /> reviewed his involvement in government, and basic philosophy. Commissioner Bennett stated <br /> he had an "open-door" policy and his view of city government was, "It's your city, if you need <br /> help, call." <br /> Commissioner Bennett discussed a variety of issues, and had an interactive discussion with City <br />. Councilmembers on subjects including: <br /> Highway 96 Construction <br /> Addressed the overlay planned from Lexington to Highway 8 this spring, stating that the <br /> project continued to be on schedule at this time, but advised the City they should <br /> anticipate some traffic problems during the reconstruction process. <br /> TCAAP <br /> Expressed his knowledge of the frustration the City was experiencing in working with <br /> several government agencies and the military on the fe-use of this property. He clarified <br /> the County is still interested in the joint Public Works facilities project. <br /> Lexington Intersection <br /> Expressed his concerns regarding Karth Lake residents, the possibility of signals at <br /> Amble and Lexington, and possible solution with a four-lane road at this bottleneck area. <br /> Tony Schmidt Park <br /> Stated this was high on the Ramsey County Park Board's priority list, except that CIP <br /> funds are not available at this time, other than for the $300,000 allocated in the CIP Fund <br /> for 1997 design work. The work will continue over a three-year time span with <br /> completion in 1999. Some construction was scheduled to start this fall. Commissioner <br />. Bennett mentioned a new appointment, Roger Hauck, to the Ramsey County Park Board, <br /> stating Mr. Hauck was the former Senior Vice President ofMSI and brought strong fiscal <br /> abilities and excellent long-range planning skills to this County appointment. <br />