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CC 07-14-1997
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City Council Minutes
CC 07-14-1997
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JULY 14. 1997 <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br />Mayor Probst inquired what the activities at the loading dock would consist of. He inquired if <br />there was any way the paved area could be decreased. Mr. Zehring replied this entire area was <br />necessary for the maneuvering of truck traffic. He further stated at least one building was likely <br />to be all one tenant, and possibly only one of the three buildings would be multi-tenant. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst inquired if the loading docks could be pushed to one end and the landscaping in <br />this area increased. Mr. Zehring replied it would be difficult to do so, as it was uncertain at this <br />time what the configuration of the tenants would be. He stated that the Phase IV building has the <br />potential for a 30% reduction in bituminous. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst suggested pulling back the loading area 20-30 feet and additional landscaping may <br />alleviate some concerns, however he was still not comfortable with giving final approval of this <br />project at this meeting. Mr. Ringwald stated the applicant has followed all recommendations of <br />the Plarming Commission and staff when they were given. <br /> <br />Councilmember Hicks inquired if a rendering of Phase I was available for comparison purposes. <br />Mr. Zehring stated he did not have one available. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that while the Phase I building seemed to fit the site, the other three were <br />boxy, and had much less character. Mr. Zehring stated they tried to soften the monolithic effect <br />mainly by topography ofthe area, and landscaping, which will be more evident in the finished <br />product. He stated it was not necessary to have all the buildings the same color or all the <br />entrances the same. He stated the Plarming Commission recommended Phase III and IV should <br />look the same, but Phase II could appear different. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated he was more concerned with the aesthetics of Phase III and IV because of <br />their higher visibility. Mr. Zehring suggested looking at methods of improving the lake view. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst inquired if everything except the architectural details was approved at tonight's <br />meeting, would the applicant be able to go forward on schedule. Mr. Zehring replied it would be <br />very difficult to stay on schedule without final approval. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst inquired if the structural drawings had been completed. Lynn Sloat, Genesis <br />Architects, replied they have been begun but are not completed. <br /> <br />Council member Aplikowski inquired ifround corners and turrets were being suggested to soften <br />the buildings. Mayor Probst stated that could be one option, and that minor modifications to the <br />buildings could still be made at this time. Mr. Sloat stated cropping the corners would reduce the <br />mass of the buildings, but tenants usually prefer corners. He suggested cropping the corners on <br />Phase III and IV, and possibly Phase II, to reduce the mass that faces Fourteenth Street. <br /> <br />Mr. Zehring stated he was willing to commit to reworking the comers that present to Fourteenth <br />Street, and stated the designs could be modified so the corners are not so severe. <br />
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