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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 29. 1997 10 <br /> . explained the damage sustained in Arden Hills is divided into three groups: damage to public <br /> property, debris removal, and protective measures. She advised that the City does not qualify for <br /> reimbursement of debris removal costs since only over-time hours are eligible. <br /> Ms. Walsh stated that she did not agree with the proposed amount of reimbursement for <br /> Cummings Park but the inspector indicated that they reimburse only to the level of what existed <br /> previously. She advised there will be another inspector assigned to review the area and make a <br /> determination. Ms. Walsh stated she will keep the Council informed ifadditiona\ funding will be <br /> received. <br /> Mayor Probst asked if this action will preclude the ability to seek additional funds. Ms. Walsh <br /> stated it will not. <br /> Ms. Walsh explained the inspector is using guides established by the federal government for <br /> equipment rental and salaries. Mr. Dwayne Stafford, Public Works Director, advised that these <br /> rates are below the reality. <br /> Councilmember Malone noted that when the City accepted trail funds they were required to <br /> abide by new rules. He cautioned against taking funds if it results in additional restrictions or <br /> requirements on the City. <br /> . MOTION: Keirn moved and Hicks seconded a motion to adopt Resolution #97-45, <br /> Authorizing Execution of Sub-Grant Agreement for Federal Assistance. The <br /> motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> G. Appointment of Consulting Engineer, BRW <br /> Mr. Fritsinger explained that the Council has expressed a desire to evaluate each of the City's <br /> consultants on a regular basis and recently completed its review of proposals from nine <br /> engineering firms for the position of City Consulting Engineer. The Council then interviewed <br /> four firms for that position and staff did background checks. After evaluating the proposals, <br /> interviews, and reference checks. the Council directed staff to prepare a memorandum to appoint <br /> BRW, Inc. as the City's consulting engineer beginning November I, 1997, through December <br /> 31, 1998, and to direct staffto prepare a contract for services with BRW, Inc. <br /> MOTION: Malone moved and Hicks seconded a motion to appoint BRW, Inc. as the City's <br /> consulting engineer beginning November I. 1997, through December 31, 1998, <br /> and direct staff to prepare the appropriate contract for services. The motion <br /> carried 4-0-1, with Probst abstaining. <br /> ADMINISTRATOR COMMENTS <br /> . Mr. Fritsinger reminded the Council that as a result of the Columbus Day holiday, the next <br /> meeting will be Tuesday. October 14, 1997. at the Army Reserve Center. <br />