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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 14. 1997 4 <br /> . Dwayne StafIord, Public Works Superintendent, reviewed the per foot costs for various <br /> dimensions of piping and estimated that the cost would not be very much more to upgrade from a <br /> ten-inch to a twelve-inch watermain. <br /> Mr. Ringwald reviewed the landscape plan which the applicant modified to enhance the north <br /> side of Phases III and IV. He pointed out the area directly behind the loading area which is the <br /> high area of the site and explained that staff is supportive of the requested landscape changes <br /> except for the placement of the easterly two groupings on Phase III and the westerly grouping on <br /> Phase IV which staff believes should be relocated north towards the conservation easement. He <br /> eXplained that this relocation towards the hill will be more effective for screening. <br /> Mr. Ringwald reported that tlle applicant's plan for parking on Phase IV still shows the "proof- <br /> of-parking" within the confines of Pond #5 and the applicant's consultant has not received the <br /> necessary approvals for the pond outlet structure from Phase IV. <br /> 2. Park Dedication, Welsh <br /> Ms. Cindy Walsh, Park and Recreation Director, explained the City Council is asked to approve <br /> the park dedication of ten percent which includes the dedication of a twenty-foot wide trail <br /> easement and $50,789.69 remaining cash in lieu, or the easement and the construction of a ten- <br /> foot wide trail. These revised figures are based on the conversation held with the Council on <br /> . September 29, 1997. <br /> Mayor Probst asked ifthe trail easement plus cash is being proposed. Ms. Walsh stated this is <br /> correct, or the applicant could construct the trail instead of the cash in lieu. <br /> Dick Zehring, Welsh Development Company, stated they are comfortable with this <br /> recol11mendation. <br /> Councilmember Hicks asked iftlle trail construction will be on the site. Ms. Walsh stated this is <br /> correct and would be around the new developl11ent area. <br /> Councill11ember Hicks asked if this would be a fair comparable financial trade. <br /> Mr. Zehring coml11ented that there may be some cost savings in construction of the trail versus <br /> $50,789.69 in cash but it depends on the precise alignment of the trail. He stated they are <br /> comfortable with either option. <br /> Councilmember Hicks asked if the City would develop the plans and specifications for this trail. <br /> Ms. Walsh stated this is correct and advised that the trail will eventually connect to the City's <br /> trail system. <br /> MOTION: Malone moved and Hicks seconded a motion to approve a park dedication Welsh <br /> . COl11panies, Phase:>rII, III, and IV, often percent which includes the dedication of <br /> a twenty-foot wide trail easement and $50,789.69 cash in lieu, or the easement <br />