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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 8. 1997 5 <br /> . Mr. Luehn asked when the assessment hearing will be held, <br /> Mr. Brian Fritsinger, City Administrator, estimated the assessment process will take place <br /> sometime between February to April and advised that residents will receive notice of that <br /> meeting. <br /> Tim Boehlke, 1955 Edgewater Avenue, stated his questions have been answered, <br /> Ann Goetz, 1905 Edgewater Avenue, had no comment. <br /> George Evans 1960 Edgewater Avenue, stated he moved into this house about a year ago so he <br /> did not have the benetit of the street when it was new. He explained that he will be retiring in <br /> three to four years and then moving out of the State so the work on Edgewater A venue will <br /> benefit whoever buys the house, not him, Mr. Evans stated this is a long cul-de-sac without a lot <br /> of traffic and he does not think the road is that bad. <br /> Kevin Dahmen, 1900 Glenpaul Avenue, stated he has lived here his entire live and does not <br /> remember any significant work being done. He stated he does not think it makes sense tor a mill <br /> and overlay because the roadway is not that bad and the contractor did a poor job of the mill and <br /> overlay on Prior. Mr. Dahmen stated he prefers to wait several years for a full reconstruction, <br /> . Mr. Linders suggested reevaluating the street maintenance process used by the City because he <br /> has not seen significant deterioration within the past ten years and the City has not done much <br /> patching. Mr. Linders stated he thinks Glenpaul A venue will remain for another ten years and he <br /> opposes the project. <br /> George Rehbein, 1759 Crystal, inquired regarding the placement of survey markers about eight <br /> feet into his property, Mr. Brown explained they probably indicate a control point and not the <br /> edge of the road, <br /> Ted Lindbom, 4008 North Fairview, stated he has been told for the last three years that <br /> something would be done about the condition of Fairview, but nothing has ever been done, He <br /> asked what is different about his year and if something will finally be done, <br /> Councilmember Malone explained it is a budgetary tradeotI since the City does not have enough <br /> money to do all of the streets requiring attention in one year. Therefore, they take the worst <br /> cases first. <br /> Ramona Lindbom, 4008 North Fairview, explained that the streets in the entire neighborhood <br /> have been done over the last few years except for Fairview Avenue so they hope the City really <br /> does do it before all of the other streets need more work. <br /> There being no further public comments, Mayor Probst closed the public hearing at 8: 14 p,m, <br /> . Councilmember Aplikowski suggested the City Engineer and Staff review Glenpaul Avenue and <br /> if it does not make sense to overlay it, it can be removed from the 1998 Street Improvement <br /> Project. <br />