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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 8. 1997 7 <br /> . Mr. John Tholen, Chair ofthe Highway 96 Task Force, explained this Task Force was <br /> created by the Council on April II, 1997 to provide the City with a series of recommendations <br /> on the reconstruction of Highway 96 so the recommendations could be forwarded to Ramsey <br /> County while the Arden Hills' portion of the project is still in the design phase, He reviewed the <br /> membership of the committee and advised that their first recommendation is that two entryway <br /> signs be located along Highway 96, the first at the southwest corner of Highway 96 and <br /> Lexington Avenue. The second entryway sign would be located at the southeast corner of <br /> Highway 96 and Interstate 35W, <br /> Bill Sanders of Sanders, Wacker, and Bergly, project landscape architect, reviewed a <br /> colored sketch of the proposed signs and landscape design including grading, location of <br /> evergreen trees, and flowers, He explained the need to raise the elevation to improve the <br /> visibility of the sign, <br /> Mayor Probst suggested Ramsey County be asked to do some of this grading prior to their <br /> completion of the project. He also stated he understands the County proposes to place the signal <br /> control box on this corner. Mr. Tholen stated they have requested this signal box be relocated on <br /> the Reserve Center property, <br /> Council member Malone asked if the estimate is $32,000 per sign. Mr. Sanders stated this is <br /> . correct, is an estimated cost, and does not include landscaping, He reviewed the types of <br /> materials to be used tor the sign, <br /> Mr. Tholen reviewed his discussion with the Reserve Center and Ramsey County to provide <br /> trees, fill, and to seed the property. <br /> Mr. Sanders explained that the sign on the southeast corner ofI-35W would be of the same <br /> design but the landscaping may be different. <br /> Councilmember Malone asked what the City of Shoreview sign will look like. Mr. Tholen stated <br /> it is approximately 85 feet long and ten feet high, <br /> Mr. Tholen reviewed the Task Force recommendation for the inclusion of turf with underground <br /> irrigation and the addition of ornamental trees at the ends of these tree groups, They recommend <br /> no additional lighting be installed at this time since the redevelopment of TCAAP is not <br /> imminent. The Task Force would recommend that if development ofthe TCAAP property is <br /> imminent, then this item be reviewed at that time. <br /> Mayor Probst inquired regarding the lighting costs, Mr. Brown estimated $3,000 per fixture <br /> without wiring, He recommended placing conduit under the cross section streets and driveways <br /> since the County will pay for it. <br /> Mr. Tholen stated the Task Force does not recommend the provision of a regional trail as <br /> . proposed by Ramsey County and recommends the regional trail stay on the south side of <br /> Highway 96 until North Snelling Avenue, Then the trail should proceed south on the west side <br /> of North Snelling A venue and cross over Highway 10, via a bridge, in the vicinity of Royal Hills <br /> Park, then proceed west hugging Round Lake where possible and proceed over Intestate 35W <br />