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<br />Councilmember Aplikowski suggested that "RV" be spelled out in lower case letters to clarifY
<br />what is included in this generic definition, Councilmember Malone agreed with this suggestion
<br />and accepted this as a friendly amendment to the motion,
<br />
<br />The motion carried unanimously (5-0),
<br />
<br />B. Viking Sprinkler Request for Reduction of Permit Fees
<br />
<br />Lisa Bossert, representing Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company, advised they are installing
<br />high pressure sprinkling systems in three buildings under construction, She explained the
<br />sprinkling system can claim to actually suppress a fire (not just control the fire) and in order to
<br />make that claim, the quantity of sprinkler heads is abnormally high, They will also provide fire
<br />pumps which are not required with a typical sprinkler system, She presented site drawings of
<br />these buildings, noting the large number of sprinkler system heads, Ms, Bossert stated these will
<br />be easy buildings to inspect based on the symmetry of the structure,
<br />
<br />Ms, Bossert explained the City's permit fee is $15 for first sprinkler and $2.50 for each
<br />additional sprinkler beyond that, She asserted this fee structure is uncommon compared to other
<br />cities which charge for the first sprinkler and then for each ten additional sprinklers (not per
<br />sprinkler), She explained they estimated this job based on that fee schedule, Ms, Bossert noted
<br />the permit fees for these buildings exceeds $8,300 which she believes is excessive given the level
<br />of effort to do the inspections,
<br />
<br />Councilmember Malone stated he would like City Staff to have the opportunity to present their
<br />recommendation, He asked what other cities charge for each additional 10 sprinklers, Ms,
<br />Bossert stated in White Bear Lake it would cost $1,000 and in Blaine it would cost $2,000 but no
<br />where would it cost $8,000,
<br />
<br />Ms, Bossert stated the City's fee structure may be appropriate for small structures but may not be
<br />appropriate for this type of structure, She explained they do a designlbuild with a flat rate price
<br />including the permit and a full Code compliance,
<br />
<br />Councilmember Hicks asked if this system requires more heads than other systems on a square
<br />footage basis, Ms, Bossert stated this is correct and noted one building has 1,300 sprinkler
<br />heads, the second building has 800 sprinkler heads, and the third building has about 1,000
<br />sprinkler heads,
<br />
<br />Mayor Probst asked if Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company has done work in Arden Hills
<br />previously, Ms, Bossert stated they have, Mayor Probst stated, theoretically, they should have
<br />known of the City's fee structure, Ms, Bossert stated this is correct but the estimator used the
<br />more typical fee structure used by other cities,
<br />
<br />Ms, Bossert presented permit applications used by other cities that charge for the first sprinkler
<br />head and then for each ten additional sprinkler heads,
<br />
<br />Mayor Probst asked if the Council would like a recommendation from Staff to consider at the
<br />next Council meeting,
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