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CC 12-07-1998
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City Council Minutes
CC 12-07-1998
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS TRUTH-IN-TAXATION - DECEMBER 7,1998 4 <br /> . highest was Intergovernmental revenues which are mainly the result of State Fire Relief Aid, <br /> MSA maintenance, and HACA. <br /> Slide #10, General Fund Expenditures/Transfers Out, explains the distribution of the proposed <br /> expenditure total of $2.5 million dollars. <br /> Slide #11, Summary Comparison of General Fund Revenues, Expenditures, and Operating <br /> Transfcrs, provides historical information on the General Fund proposed revenue and <br /> expenditures from 1994 to 1999, The information reflects a balanced budget and an overall <br /> reduction in proposed 1999 expenditures of approximately $20,000, <br /> The levy increase was due to the cost of a variety of items going up, The Police Protection <br /> Contract had been proposed to be increased by $21,120 and the Fire Protection Contract was <br /> proposed to be increased by $18,653, Additionally, the Protective Inspection and Administrative <br /> costs are proposed to increase for 1999 due to the City Council's commitment to the next phase <br /> of TCAAP planning analysis and implementation, This has caused Staff increases and some <br /> reallocation of administrative costs, <br /> Slide #12, Proposed Capital Budget Summary, explains the General Fund capital items which are <br /> funded by property tax dollars, One significant item being funded under the General Fund #101 <br /> was the City's annual financial commitment to the Pavement Management Plan. Additionally, <br /> . within the General Fund, there had been a philosophy shift over the last two years regarding the <br /> replacement of playground equipment. Prior to 1997, these replacement costs were funded by <br /> the Park Fund, Since 1997, these replacement costs have been funded by the Park Maintenance <br /> Budget as a capital item, <br /> The Park Fund includes a significant project which was the completion of the County Road F <br /> lraillinkage at a cost of $115,000, The City had been awarded a $50,000 DNR grant to help <br /> fund this project. <br /> A large expenditure item within the Governmental Funds category was the new City Hall <br /> facility. The construction for this project was budgeted at $2 million dollars. Additionally, there <br /> was the Maintenance Garage Facility Planning budget of $50,000. <br /> Another significant item involves the EDA Projects/Activities expenditures. The City issued a <br /> General Obligation TIF bond in 1998. These proceeds are being utilized primarily for the <br /> reconstruction of 14th Street and the related public utility costs, as well as the West Round Lake <br /> Road/Highway 96 intersection project. <br /> Slide #13, Summary Comparison of All Funds Expenditures/Transfers Out, reviews the proposed <br /> 1999 expenditures for the General Fund as well as the other funds under which the City operates. <br /> The Community Services Fund depicts an increase in spending of $196,945 over the 1998 <br /> budget. This was due to the transfer to the TCAAP Reuse Planning Fund to fund the <br /> . implementation phase ofthe TCAAP project. <br /> The reduction in the Cable TV Fund from 1998 to 1999 was due to the fact that the City Hall <br /> construction budget was part of the 1998 budget. This construction had not proceeded on <br />
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