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<br /> - <br /> Minutes of H\Jgular Council t-1eeting Sept. 28, 19811 , . <br /> O'Phelan asked why the resi<l2nts t"ere not notified; sa i <l he thinks <br /> it is very strange th a t a home s UCll as this can go in to a neiehbor- <br /> hood without notification; asked City to support the residents of <br /> Cummings l.ane in their effort to stop this home from comin!, into <br /> their neighborhood. O'Phelan s ai d the City's not Ilse t up" to CAre <br /> for mentally retarded persons; understands the State 11 e a 1 th nep t. <br /> and Me t r 0 Council have approved the homa; kno,,,s that the properties <br /> on Cummings Lane will he devaluated if the group hom~ comes into <br /> the neighborhood; stated the home is a bUf;1nes5 venture in a resi- <br /> dential district. O'Phelan said he has offered to buy the bouse <br /> from the Nelsons hut they have rC!fused to se II. Noted tha t drugs <br /> are used extensively to control the mentally retarded. <br /> In discussion, O'Phelan was ashHl the location of g rou p home s tha t <br /> have not u'vorke d outtl. O'Phelan said he was not pre pare d to an swe T <br /> this question at this ttme; note d th a t his con cern s are the pro- . <br /> hIe ms of sex and what effect theee people ,<ill have on his child- <br /> ren; elso stated that no one will show an interest in the house or <br /> yard or the resident retarded people. J copy of ~e&'~cie'Jsing <br /> process'I was given to Counei 1. It was stated by n. that <br /> mentally retarded do not "look pood", they love to fonelle every- <br /> th ing f it is dis turb inr to have an equal number of Ilmental1y re- <br /> tarded" people aDd unarmsl" people in the neighhorhood - makes us <br /> feel like we are. a part of a mental ins tit uti on . <br /> O'Phelan said the Cummings l.ane people are trying to "team uptl <br /> with the Ci ty Council on this matter; we need some help. <br /> Lynden said the permitted "group howell in residenti al neiphhor- <br /> hoods is consistent with ..hat is heinl', done in the IIcorrection <br /> field" as well ; feels th is is the 1 e g i s 1 a t i va intent. <br /> Dissatisfaction was e"pressed relative to the licensin!' procedure. <br /> It was felt by the re s i den ts th at they s h ou 1 d have received some <br /> notification of th,e group home prior to the granting of licenses. <br /> l.ynden advised that the City has no licensinp au thori ty; feels <br /> the neighbors have a ri g h t to know anout homes of this type; sug- <br /> gested th at Council could pass a resolution relative to conCl:!rns <br /> about lack of notificatioo of neighborhood residents, etc. , which <br /> could be sent to the various agencies involved wtth licensing. <br /> Hollenhorst moved, seconded hy l'!inge rt, that Council ,\(10 p t res- <br /> olution No. 81-69 re licensing procedure (resolution not to be <br /> executed until Council has reviewed same) . <br /> Hrs. O'Phelan offered to prepare a Ii s t of the licensing agenL125 <br /> for Council's use in distribution of the pesolution. <br /> Minnesota D_el''!'" of T r s .!'~..!_t.s E 2-_~_~.!L!,!'..e~~-=-l:.':-" i n r ton /6 9 4 <br /> S t 0 rm Draina!,e <br /> Council was referred to lln nOT letter of Septemher 25th relative to <br /> Agreement 60609, Ci ty cost participation in storm sewer construc- <br /> tion, and attached agreement. <br /> Lynden reported re ce i p t of the ~rreell'ent, "hich he has briefly <br /> re viewe d; suggested th at a timing element he incorporated to dove- <br /> tail the va rio us responsibilities; sugges ted approval be subject <br /> to "fine-tuning" by City Engineer and City Attorney. . <br /> Shoreview l'n!,ineer Julian renendse I, no tl' ~ a larpe increaRP in thl' <br /> dollar amount for Shoreview (f rom n60,OOO to $225,000 ) ; as ke d <br /> tha t Arden Hills defer execution of the AgreeMent un t i I Shorevie" <br /> Can resolve th is apparent error. <br /> Jfter d i sell s sian. Hin!,I'rt movedJ seconded bv I'ollenhorst th at <br /> Council ad op t Pesolution No. 81-61. awarding the bid for the Lex- <br /> ington Avenue /694 storm draina!,e imp rovemen t to Lametti an d Sons, <br /> Inc., in the amoun t of $755,000, contingent up on approval Cof the <br /> State Agreemen t by the Ci ty Enp;ineer, Ci tv Attorney and the City <br /> of Shorev!ew. Notion carrie<l unanimously (5-0) . <br /> . <br /> (Resolut ion to be executed upon removal of th e continrency). <br /> -2- <br /> - <br />