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<br />Minutes of Regula': Gouncil <br />Page two <br /> <br />August II, 1980 <br /> <br />Miller exp1aiuBd ~bat the propoaed lot splits and consolidations create <br />a residential lot that meets all dimensional and area requirements, <br />provides a conJorui,ng sideyard setback for the Steele property and <br />, places the sewer serving the Steele property on the same lot as <br />the Stee1ehol.!se. <br /> <br />Wingert moved, se"onded by Henson, that Council approve the lot splits <br />and consolidationu as requested. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Case No. 80-29, Vuriance for-1ennis Court - Rood, 3720 Chatham Court <br />Council wss 1oe:fer,:ed to Planner's report of 7-29-80', and to Board of <br />Appeals (8-6-80) and Planning Commlseicn(8-6-80) recommendations. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />Miller explained that the variance is fer a 10' high fence at the ends <br />of the tennis court which encroaches on the 30' rear setback. Miller <br />displayed s transparency of the subject lot on the cul-de-sac, as it <br />relates to the adjoining lots, and to the proposed tennis court loca- <br />tion; noted thet the court will not impact views of neighbors. noted <br />that the encroachment is on City pr.operty, not on adjacent neighbors. <br /> <br />Miller noted that Ordinance 213 permits recreational facilities to <br />within two feet of property lines, if you can interpret a tennis court <br />as arecreatioual facility. <br /> <br />After diseus~ion, ~ingert moved, seconded by Hanson, that Council <br />approve tne rear setback variance for the 10' fence, coatiageDt upon <br />its being leudacaped to soften its appearance. Motion carried uDani- <br />mous ly . <br /> <br />(Couacil consider~d the tennis court as "recreational equipment" in <br />this instance; therefore permitted to within 2 feet of lot liae.) <br /> <br />Chatha. Pat~..,.!Y. Encroachment <br />It wa. reported that the Chatham pathway was encroached upon by the <br />developer. p&thvay wood chips vere removed. <br /> <br />Parka Director Buckley was requested to resolve this matter with the <br />deve lope r. <br /> <br />Caae No. aO-30, Preliminary Plat - Giere Addition <br />Council was referred to Preliminary Plat of Giere Addition, a proposed <br />four-lot iSub1iivision (3 lots accessing On James Avenue and a large lot <br />(lot 4.1 on Hamline Avsnue. <br /> <br />Miller reported that lot 4 can be aubdivided, in the future, into 2 or <br />3 lota; feels the plat, as propoaed, is a ~ea.onable aubdivieion of the <br />parcel; noted that utility stuos have been installed to aerve the <br />potential 3 lots on James Avenue. <br /> <br />Wingert lDoved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council approve the Pre- <br />liminary Plat of Giere Addition subject to resolution of park dedi- <br />cation. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />Caee No. 80~261 Special Uee Permit for Diesel FuelStorsge Tanka - <br />Col_bie '1'ranIl1.t. 1901 West County Road! <br />Killer reported that the original application was for two 500-gallon <br />diesel fuel storage tenks to b~ located within the Columbia Transit <br />building, which Pire Chief ~och advised would violate the State Pire <br />Code. <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Bouthilet, Divi8io~ Manager of Columbi& Transit Corp., dis- <br />trlbutedcopiee of a revised spplication, requesting a Special Use <br />Permit fOIr !:he tempo,rary installation and use of one 500-gallon above <br />ground diesel storage tank on ~ atand located 150 feet from the north- <br />eaat corner of the present gsr~ge facility. <br /> <br />Bouthilet explained that they intend to experiment with 14 busea convert- <br />ed to diesel fuel; propose t~nk location on the edge of the current <br />perking aY-ee which would be aczeened from the residential area to the <br />,eeat by IIll!li3til1g traes and shrubs. <br /> <br />Miller reported that Mr. Kurlowski (Belair Builders) is opposed to <br />locating the tank on the eastern aide of the site; P1enning COlDmission <br />recommendll approval for oue year, with III one-yeer e~t:'!"l"iolll., Miller <br /> <br />-2- <br />