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CC 07-28-1980
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 07-28-1980
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<br />6 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />single entrance to line up with Corrnelly Avenue and provide <br />left turns at each. The existing entrance to the service <br />station could be left open or closed, depending on how it's <br />developed. The west entrance from St. Paul Book would be <br />provided with amedian opening and an east bound left turn lane. <br />It could or could not have access into the service station, <br />depending on how it's developed ,and how the two owners feel. <br />We don't think it's essential that you have access to the two. <br />(inaudible) this person to develop with access to Connelly and a <br />right in and right out driveway which presently exists. <br /> <br />Pinetree Drive is probably going to have a signal in the future <br />and there should be some type of island (inaudible). <br /> <br />We did run into a problem on our original concept to try <br />to take care of Carroll Furniture. We later met with Mr. <br />Engelbert and Mr. Carroll and came up with a concept which all <br />three of us think will work, and that is to have the entrance <br />from Carroll's, instead of coming in on his property, come in <br />on an easement across St. Paul Book and across from pinetree <br />Drive. We would modify this island to provide an east bound turn <br />lane so the traffic from Carroll's could come into the left turn <br />lane (inaudible) had a problem with Northwestern National Bank <br />because they are heavily landscaped and they are oriented from <br />their bank tellers out to the roadway. We don't want to send <br />the Arden Hills customers to Shoreview (inaudible) recognizing <br />it's a one way driveway, the bank customers are generally <br />repetitive customers so we wouldn't have much of a problem of <br />wrong way movements allowing them to make a turn to the west. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />We had a problem in trying to take care of the west entrance <br />to McGuire's and east to Carroll's which has the access to serve <br />the businesses behind them and we were able to line these up <br />slightly different from what is shown on this driveway so there <br />could be west bound turn lanes into McGuire's or Carroll's or the <br />businesses behind. It does provide a major opening for access <br />to Flaherty's Golf and whatever is built in that area. <br /> <br />The final major access point would be the existing Arden <br />Plaza driveway. It would require us to move McGuire's driveway <br />slightly to the west. The existing island the county has built <br />to provide for left turns to Lexington would be modified so it <br />would provide for left turns into Arden Plaza and a mirror image <br />which would allow left turns into McGuire's. It does require <br />Sitzmark to develop (inaudible) to the Plaza entrance. It's <br />possible to build in such a way so it will be far enough back so <br />there's not a couple of cars stacked blocking Sitzmark entrance. <br /> <br />We tried to resolve a lot of problems, but we recognized <br />there are disadvantages to two medians. The disadvantages are <br />cost, problems of Mr. Carroll and Mr. Engelbert getting the <br />legal documents and easements, and the design of how you resolve <br />Standard oil and Steak Inn Inn entrance where there are some <br />grade problems. We think the design and grade problems can be <br />solved, but it also is a matter of are the people willing to <br />
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