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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Minutes of ReGular Council Meeting <br />Page Six <br /> <br />May 27, 1980 <br /> <br />Case No. 79-36, Sign Approval -,MSI Claims Office <br />Planner Miller referred Council to site plan indicating proposed <br />locations and sizes of two signs for the MSI Claims Office; noted <br />that the larger sign (County Road E) meets both existing and proposed <br />sign ordinance regulations; small sign (Pins Tree Drive entrance) <br />is "directional" and, therefore, not regulated by the existing <br />ordinance; is larger than permitted in the proposed si~n ordinance, <br />but of the approximate size of the directional Northwestern Bank <br />signs across the street. Miller noted that sketches of the signs <br />had been requested, but not received to date, <br /> <br />After discussion, Wingert moved ~hat Council approve the larger <br />sign {County Road E) as submitted and sited on the plan, and with- <br />hold decision on the smaller sign (Pine Tree Drive), pending detailed <br />sketCh of sign, Motion was seconded by Hanson. <br /> <br />After further discussion, Wingert withdrew his motion and matter <br />~las deferred to next Council meeting, pending deta:l.led drawings of <br />bo th s :I.gas, <br /> <br />(Note: Following the meeting, it was discovered that'MSI had sub- <br />mitted detailed drawings.) <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />Request to Defer Special Assessments - Frank Winiecki <br />George Winiecki was present, representing his father, Frank Winiecki; <br />expla:l.ned thst the property is "for sale", father is ill; requested <br />deferment of Water Assessment until property is sold. <br /> <br />After discussion, Crichton moved, ~ieconded by Hanson, that Council <br />approve deferral of the Special Assessments (Water Improvement No, <br />77-5 and 78-2) for f.ive years, Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />!arks ~ Recreation Summer P.og;:am <br />Council concurred inrc-af fi rming its acceptance of the Summe r Program; <br />Motion was approved at, the Parka Committe, _eating on 5/13/80, <br /> <br />Case No, 80-15, Special Use Permit and Variances <br />Janet E~tate3.~chedule Public HeariQ~ <br /> <br />Woodburn moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council schedule a Public <br />Hearing before the Planning Commission on Wednesday, June 4, 1980, <br />at 8:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Request for Building P(,rmit in Hunters Park ,. Charles Watson <br />Wingert explslnedthat . Special Use Permit coveTS Hunters Park; <br />one let ramuiIls. vacant, Mr. Wateon is proposing to build a Sussel <br />home on this lot, Wingert reported that the Home Owners Association <br />has approved the plan~; noted that it appears to fie the area archi- <br />tee tu l'ally; plans seem to conf'o nl '.vi th the communi ty in which it <br />will be located; construction plans must be approved by the Build- <br />ing Insp~ctor; house is apparently within the pu~view of the Special <br />Use Permit. <br /> <br />After discuDsion, Wingert moved, seconded by Hanson, that Council <br />authorize issuance of E Building Permit on Lot 5, Block 1, Hunters <br />Park 1st Addition, in accordance with site plan prsBented, with <br />the understanding that plans meet Bu:l.lding Code, Motion carl:ied <br />"J.n a.n imous 1]" ~ <br /> <br />Re~~_pubj~_SefetY-foromittee Meeting <br />Woodburn reported that the Public Safety Committee approved suggested <br />-ragulat:l')DS for ':ity parks proposed by Woodburn snd recommends that <br />they be referred to Parks Committee. <br /> <br />t <br />