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CC 04-29-1991
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 04-29-1991
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meetin], 4-29-91 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />SNELLING (Cent 'd) The Engineer stated a standard residential street is 32 <br />feet wide; Snellin] Avenue is =ently 22-24 ft. wide. <br />He explainErl the reason f= proposin] 36 feet is the anticipated parking on the <br />west side of the street, due to the park property, which will be more than <br />intennittent parking. He stated there is no provision in the inprovement f= <br />controllin] traffic speed on the street; the speed limit will be 30 mph and <br />enf=cement of the speed limit is an issue after inprovement of a street. <br /> <br />Jim Ostlund, 1576 Royal Hills Drive, commented that he is pleased the city has <br />adopted an assessment policy, however, it appears Snellin] Avenue is not a <br />typical residential street. He noted the MSA designation is due to the traffic, <br />which is not classified as residential traffic, and the residents are bein] <br />assessed rather than utilizin] those funds. Ostlund questioned why the City is <br />iroprovin] the street and if the proposed 9-ton design in=eases the cost. <br />Ostlund stated he lives on a corner lot and paid 100% of the assessments for the <br />street in front of his home. <br /> <br />Maurer stated the 9-ton design does not change the assessment rate, only adds a <br />small amount of additional blacktop, and the additional costs are paid by the <br />City. <br /> <br />Mike Winkels, 1575 Royal Hills Drive, reviewed the number of a=idents which have <br />occurred on Snellin] durin] the past four years he has been a resident of Arden <br />Hills. He recommended speed bumps be placed on the street or a gravel surface, <br />rather than an inproved surface. Winkels stated the vehicles speed on the road in <br />its current condition and ~in] the road will in=ease the problem. <br /> <br />George Reilin], 661 Heinel Drive, Roseville, stated he owns undeveloped property <br />adjacent to North Snellin] Avenue. He recalled that past practise by the city was <br />to utilize state Aid funds to pay f= the inprovement of designated roads; <br />questioned when the policy changed. <br /> <br />Maurer advised there are two separate issues; the use of state Aid funds on a <br />designated street and the City ability to assess a property. He explainErl the <br />City may only use state Aid funds on a designated state Aid road and do not have <br />to fund 100 percent of the inprovement project with the MSA funds; there is no <br />requirement that there be no assessment on the project. Maurer stated the City <br />policy states that persons on state Aid roads will be assessed similar to all <br />other residents, the rationale bein] that all residents pay f= a road in front <br />of their home. He explained the City is only allocated approxilllately $150,000.00 <br />per year in state Aid funds. <br /> <br />Reilin] questioned if the inprovement was petitioned and if any effort has been <br />made to repair the road, rather than :iInprove it by reconstruction. He asked if <br />the park property will be assessed. <br /> <br />Mayor Sather advised the proposed ~ement is based on the pavement management <br />rating of North Snellin] and was not initiated by petition. He explained the <br />public works crew has repeatedly attempted to repair the roadway surface and <br />found the patching does not adhere to the surface, since there is no solid <br />foundation or solid walls for attachin] the patching materials. The Mayor advised <br />the park property will not be assessed and the costs for the frontage will be <br />borne by the general tax dollars. <br /> <br />Reilin] stated he cannot afford anymore taxes and reviewed the increase in taxes <br />on his property with the :iInprovement of Arden view Drive. He requested Council <br />reconsider the iroprovement of the roadway. <br />
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