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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meetin;J, 4-8-91 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />REZONING (Cont'd) Malone moved, seconded by Hansen, to adopt Ordinance No. <br />277, AMElIDING SECI'IONS V.B., V.E., V.F.; AND ADDING <br />SECI'IONS V.D. (10), V.D. (11), V.D. (12), VIlLI AND rrs SUBDIVISIONS, AND VIILK <br />AND ITS SUBDIVISION 'IO APPENDIX A OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARDEN <br />HILIS RELATING 'IO THE RmJIATION OF DE.VEWPMEliIT IN THE SERVICE BUSINESS DISl'RIcr, <br />REI'AIL CENTER DISl'RIcr, AND I -FLEX DISl'RIcr, subject to amerrling Section <br />VIII(K) (4), by strikin;J paragrarbs (e) am (f), am adding paragraphs (e), (f) <br />am (g), as follows: <br /> <br />(e) Wholesalin;J am warehousin;J if such use is wholly contained within a building <br />am oocupies not more than 50 percent of the gross floor area of the <br />buildin;J in which it is located. <br /> <br />(f) Wholesalin;J, warehousin;J, am related accessory uses which were in existence <br />on April 8, 1991 shall be issued a special use permit, which will allow such <br />uses to continue on the site, = within any existin;J = expanded facilities <br />or improvements thereon, provided that the ratios of special uses to the <br />gross floor area of the building do not exceed the ratios existin;J as of <br />April 8, 1991. The special use permit shall define the scope am ratios of <br />existing uses am may be amended in compliance with the procedural <br />requirements of the city's zoning regulations relative to special use <br />permits . <br /> <br />(g) Manufacturin;J or processin;J that generates hazardous waste with a valid <br />hazardous waste generators license from the Ramsey County Public Health <br />Deparbnent = other licensin;J agencies havin;J jurisdiction. <br /> <br />am further, to amend the date of publication, am auth=ize the Clerk <br />Administrator to publish a sununary of Ordinance No. 277, as drafted by the city <br />Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />Malone moved, seconded by Hansen, to adopt Ordinance No. <br />278, ADDING SECI'IONS IV.A. (2) 'l'HR()U;H IV.A. (6) 'IO APPENDIX A OF THE ZONING <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARDEN HILIS RELATING 'IO THE REZONING OF PROPERrY, with <br />the followin;J aIIlel'Dments: that all that area located west of Lexington Avenue, <br />north of County Road E, east of Highway 51, am south of the Sault ste Marie <br />Railroad right-of-way am all property located within that area shall be zoned <br />B-2 General Business District am that the city Att=ney shall verify am =ect <br />all Tax Parcel Numbers which are identified in each of the zoning districts in <br />the Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />Attorney Filla advised that the effect of the regulations iIrposed by the City <br />initialed rezoning establish a hardship for the Pugleasa property to request a <br />variance am establish criteria for the warehousin;J facilities to make <br />application f= special use permits. <br /> <br />Representatives f= the Tyson Corrpanies am Pugleasa property thanked the Council <br />f= their consideration relative to the property owners =ncern5. <br /> <br />Council was refe:cred to the memorandum from the Clerk <br />Administrat= am =espondence from Engineers Maurer <br />am Graham, both dated 4-4-91, relative to response to <br />residents concerns expressed at the Public Hearin;J held March 25, in conjunction <br />with the 1991 Pavement Maintenance lInprovements. <br /> <br />RES. 91-25; AWARD <br />BID, PAVEMENr MAINI'. <br /> <br />Council discussed the deletion of Valentine Avenue from the project. <br />