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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Arden Hills Council <br /> <br />February 8, 1993 <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />ADDITTONAL FUNDING FOR <br />TTNDFRGROUND TANK RFMOVA1.. <br /> <br />Arc;(')untant Post Yep(J1~t.P.r1 tl\:=!t i TI 'Nnvprnher 1 qq?.. (".C\llTH"i 1 <br />Hpr'roVe(~ " ql1nte t.n r-prrrnre an llnderground fuel t.ank i and at. <br />that time; the City was aw~rp that there ro8Y he ~d~itional <br />~0StS should thpye l)p cnnt~mi.natinn concerns related to t}p <br />removal of the tank. <br /> <br />Post explained that the tank and surrounding soils were <br />physically removed during December 1992 and January 1993. <br />It now appears that additional costs will be incurred for <br />soil remediation, related engineering and reporting costs, <br />and Council is being asked to approve that expenditure. He <br />advised that a portion of these costs are eligible for a <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's "petrofund" refund. <br /> <br />Councilmember Hicks asked what portion of costs are eligible <br />for refund. Post advised that his understanding is that 90% <br />of all contaminated soil remediation costs (excluding tank <br />removal costs) are eligible fOt' refnnel. Post added that <br />there is some final analysis work which needs to be <br />accompl is'hArl. r...ibic'b (:(1111 (J po.ssibJ. Y IPsul t j n p'Jen more ('(,_st <br />but ~t. tbis Dcdll+- -it i.s rlntir-;jr.;8tp(l tl-':=lt'- $19,400 w~T~ ne <br />- - . <br />8c1eqll.:'1tJ~ tn (~()rnpletp ;:jll r:;nnt;::n-iliDa.t~(l snjl work r::ype.ct2d. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />H~cks moved, seconded by Malone, to authori~e the <br />expenditure of $19,400 for costs related to the <br />remediation of contaminated soils, lJpOn of <br />documentation that n.o additional remedial work is <br />required, and direct the contractor's firm <br />to submit documentation for reimbursement to the <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Motion carried <br />unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Councilmember Hicks advised that he will be absent from the <br />February i/, 1993 Council meeting. <br /> <br />1 9 q 3 P!'.1JJ';Mf.N,'1'. Ji)l,NAGFMFN'l' <br /> <br />rouncilmernber Malone referre0 tr, ",-p"F-'nt neWl:"; +.:h21 t. t.he ~i t::' <br />YJi11 b.8VP $1)(J!onn i.n M.S~ fnr1ds wbic;n were nrH?'!pecterJ/ and Cl. <br />mem0l:""?llcll1m from PlJDlic Wnyks S"\1:;?p1-:-intenn.ent W:n'k(;-,l 't"prJoy-t.jllg <br />that there ar~ more street imD~0VP!n8nt npeds thAn PArlier <br />identified. He snggested Council consider expanding the <br />1993 Pavement Management Program to include more streets. <br /> <br />Public Works Superintendent Winkel stated that he has talked <br />to the City Engineer about this issue. He added that he was <br />notified last week of the unexpected MSA funds. <br />