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<br /> Minutes 9f Regular Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 28, 1983 <br /> Page Four <br /> Mr. Deans was asked when the closing .is anticipated. Deans said, <br /> the closing is unclear at this point; noted it depends 9n whether <br /> all the financing can be gotten together this year; noted that if <br /> the closing does not occur this year. it may be at risk; explained <br /> that the bond legis lat 10'11 is a matter which has not been resolved <br /> to date~ stated that the closing will take place when financing <br /> is completed. <br />. Christiansen asked Mr. Prince (Juran and Moody) when he anticipates <br /> closing. Prince said Phase I can be done this year; stated that <br />. the proposed January 1, 1984 cut-off date, he fee ls, will very <br /> likely be moved up to JulY,or possibly be extended a year or. two. <br /> Mr. Weir was asked what he considers as an alternative, if IRB <br /> financing will not be available. Weir said he has no feasible <br /> alternative at this point; feels it is highly unlikely tha t the <br /> legislature will have a cut-off of January 1st, has been advised <br /> that it is possible to close all funding immediately, but he <br /> unde rs tands the re is a st~tionary period of up to 36 months before <br /> all b9nds have to be dispe rse d. Weir said it isn't their <br /> preference to do it this way, but we are sincere about making the <br /> pro j e c t a reality; we want to minimize the risk; we are confident <br /> in the advice we are receiving from Washington that it is a <br /> manageable risk and IRBs are not like ly to be cut off January 1st. <br /> Weir said they stand ready to take risks; the fact that we have <br /> X amount of dollars invested today is far less se rious to walk <br /> away from then to have something that is going to con tinue to eat <br /> you alive at the tune of ~ million dollars or more a year on <br /> something that does not make economic sense. We want every project <br /> to stand on its own two feet sO that our ten an ts can afford to be <br /> the re. <br /> Christiansen asked the status of Woodbridge obtaining a Letter of <br /> Credit or other credit enhancer. Weir said, because they have been <br /> awaiting the Public Hearing, they have not obtained a Letter of <br /> Credit; said their financial condition is such that they should be <br /> able to ob tain a Letter of ere di t or some sort of corporate <br /> guarantee from a financial institution; explained they need the <br /> Resolut~on before they can request it. <br /> Christiansen noted that park dedication has not been discussed; <br /> aske d Mr. Weir if he is familiar with the requi remen t. Weir said <br /> he is aware of the park dedication; has not reached a determination <br /> as yet; it's an item that is at the Council's dis cre tion, before <br /> wege t an Occupancy Permit. Christianaen noted that anothe r item, <br /> discussed at the last Council meeting is the maintenance of the on- <br /> site Sewer and water services. McNiesh reported that Attorney <br /> Lynden called and said he had word that the plan is to describe <br /> the easemen ts in the Declaration of Covenants, and a Surve~ showing <br /> the location of all the easemen ts, which the developer will then <br /> take care of; reported that Mr. Lynden has not looked at the <br /> package, but this would be a way of handling the maintenance of <br /> these utilites. Weir said they have prepared easements to provide <br />. for utilites to the Phase I property; have to make a run of 800 t <br /> to the south of their property over an existing easement, which <br /> the City has, in order to ge t se rvi ces ; noted that even though <br /> sewer and Water are in County Road E, the sewer is not available <br /> to the project because the sewer elevation is too high on County <br />. Road E. <br /> Hicks asked Mr. Weir what will happen to the project if he is <br /> successful with closing on Phase I , and le gis lati on changes such <br /> that IRB financing is not a possibility for Phase II and Ill? <br /> Weir said it is his expectation to be able to ~ <br /> l. Have a Resolution or clear indication that we will not <br /> have to fund all 3 phases at one time, or <br /> --_.--~ <br />