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CC 11-28-1983
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 11-28-1983
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<br /> . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 28, 1983 <br /> Page Nine <br /> Council resumed discussion re the Administration Fee. Hicks said <br /> the 1% fee was a substantial factor influencing him to approve the <br /> scheduling of tonight's public hearings. Christiansen said that <br /> an important factor in our discussion of IRB financing was the <br /> viability of the 1% Administrative Fee. Christiansen said he is <br /> also concerned about the fees that are being paid, or will be paid, <br /> when you look at the Administrative Fee and Park Dedication; asked <br />. the exact value of the land. Weir replied $1,150,000. <br /> Christiansen said if we assume 10% park dedication ($115,000) and <br /> 1% , m'i nus arbitrage, Administrative Fee ($150,000+) we're looking <br />. at a $265,000 expenditure on the part of the developer; said this <br /> seems like a very heavy hit for a project he would like to see <br /> become a reality. Christiansen noted that there is at remendoua <br /> nee d by t.he Ci ty to raise some money in the next few yea rs to <br /> cover coata of some very large projects; no te d this is a handy way <br /> to do it, but said he'd be open t~ look at some arrange men t be tWeen <br /> an Adminis traUve Fee, so we can use that money for ourp urposes, <br /> by making an adj us tment to the 1.0% .park dedication. <br /> Woodburn noted one argument for adjuating the park dedication fee <br /> has already been given in that some expense has already gone for <br /> water control on the project; noted that this water control is for <br /> draining water from parking lots on the project that was not the re <br /> before. Woodburn noted that on some occasions the re has been some <br /> adjustment of the park dedication fee, mostly when the control was <br /> needed for water running through the si te from some other source. <br /> Woodburn said he, also, has not thought about the park dedication <br /> Dr this project; noted the re may be some justification for park <br /> dedication adjustment for the on-site water control. <br /> Weir explained that part of the reason that the Chamber of Commerce <br /> presented the Resolution fo r tonights meeting is that there is a <br /> significant populatio~ that all of you are representing as Council <br /> membe rs , many of whom do not vote, but they pay in excess of 50% <br /> of the total tax revenue paid into the City of Arden IIi lis; this <br /> can be looked at as a subsidy to the resi den tial 'p rope rty tax <br /> p aye r. This is extremely unfair to the commercial tax payer if <br /> you compare it to the level of the services provided by the Ci ty. <br /> Weir said the City Council is in a ve ry powerful position; it can <br /> kill the p ro j e c t , or can make it a reality. Financial feasibility <br /> is -something th a t we are concerned ab out as much as the Council; <br /> noted that what you don't want is a partially built project. Weir <br /> said he would like this fee to be reasonable; Woodbridge Properties <br /> is here aa friends of the City of Arden Hills; we wan t to be here; <br /> we hope you'll want to encourage us to be here. You can't add <br /> $100 here and another $100 there, without having it start to add up. <br /> I t wi 11 affect the economic viability. Weir asked Council to <br /> re-evaluate all of its earlier positions and to consider our <br /> application proposal that the fee be limited to $5,000 and that <br /> the non-refundable fee be applied to it; if you feel this is <br /> insufficient, move it up to ~ of 1%, but 1% simply is an onerous <br /> level to withstand when you add all the other elements on top of <br /> it; asked that Council look at it on behalf of the commercial tax- <br />. payers that are paying half of the revenue. Weir said an alternative <br /> he has offered is to pay off the spe ci al assessments on the <br /> property. <br /> Hicks reminded Weir that Council talked ab ou t these fees four <br /> weeks ago; said he feels strongly about the 1% Adminis trati ve Fee. <br />,. Mulcahy said that the $15,000,000 development will benefit Arden <br /> Hills by real est~te taxes; feels our City should be careful to <br /> not ove rload the f ron t-end cos ts . Woodburn noted that a large <br /> po,rtion of this tax goes to the Metro Cities as the result of the <br /> fiscal dispari ties act; noted that it may be a net advantage to <br /> the school district,; noted that fire and police cos ts are high. <br /> - <br />
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