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<br /> ------ ------- <br /> ! <br /> . <br /> ( <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 31, 1983 <br /> Page Six <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE McNIESH <br /> Proposed Ordinance Amendment Changing Dates Penal ties are <br /> Applied for Delinquent Utility Payments <br /> Council was referred to McNiesh's memo of October 25, 1983, <br /> recommending changing the dates penalties are applied for <br /> delinquent utility payments. <br /> After discussion, Hicks moved; seconded by McAllister, that <br /> Council app rove the penalty date changes as re commended in . <br /> McNiesh's memo, and re fer the memo to Attorney Lynden to draft <br /> the ne ce s s a ry document to e f fe c t the changes. Motion carried <br /> (Hi cks, McAllister, Christiansen, Mulcahy voting in favor of <br /> the motion. Woodburn voting in opposi tion). (4-1) <br /> (Woodburn said he feels the 8% penalty is too hi gh) <br /> Re que s t for Temporary Banner - Hauser's Super VAlu <br /> McNiesh reported that Steve Larson, hauser's Super Valu in <br /> Arden Plaza, has requested approval to use the same banner <br /> November 15 thru J anua ry 3rd which was approved previously, <br /> advertising 24 hour business hours at Super Valu. <br /> In discussion, concern was expressed that the sign ordinance <br /> is being ci rcumvente d by use of banners, and the aes the tics <br /> of Arden Plaza is adversely impacted by the use of " temporary <br /> banners". <br /> Ai t e r discussion, McAllister move d that Council approve the use <br /> of the banner from November 15, 1983 to J an ua ry 4, 1984 as <br /> requested. Motion did not car ry OlcAllister voting in favor <br /> of the motion; Hicks, Christiansen, Mulcahy, Woodburn voting <br /> in opposition). (1-4) <br /> Resolution No. 83-58, Trans fe rri ng Special Assessmen t Payment <br /> from Lo t 14, Block 3 , Arden Oaks to Lot 15 , Block 3 , Arden <br /> Oaks <br /> Counci 1 was referred to draft of Resolution No. 83- 58. <br /> Christiansen move d" seconded by MeAl lis te r that Council adop t <br /> Resolution No. 83-58, RESOLUTION VOIDING RECEIPT NO. COO0911 <br /> AND ISSUEING RECEIPT NO. COO0913 FOR PAYMENT OF PUBLIC <br /> IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS. Motion carried unanimously (5-0) <br /> Audit Proposal - Lether, Skwira, Schultz and Co. <br /> Council was referred to Ie t t e r from John McCarthy, Lether, <br /> Skwira, Schultz and Co. ( 10-26-83) relative to an audit of the <br /> financial statements of the City of Arden Hi 11s for the <br /> year ending De cembe r 31, 1983, at a fee an t i ci pate d to not <br /> exceed $13,000.00 <br /> Christiansen moved, seconded by Hicks, that the Council accept <br /> the proposal from Lether, Skwira, Schultz and Co. as per Ie t te r . <br /> of 10-26-83. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> Payroll and Claims <br /> Council was referred to two Payrolls and to list of Claims <br /> plus seven addi tional che cks to taIling $38,890.77 for <br /> November Disbursements. <br /> Chris tiansen moved, seconded by Mulcahy, that Council approve the <br /> Clai ms and Payrolls as presented. Mo t ion carried unanimous ly. <br /> (5-0) <br /> November Council }!ee tings <br /> Regular Coun ci I Meetings will be he ld at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, <br /> November 14th and 28th at the Village Hall. <br /> ----------~-_.- -- <br />