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<br /> Minutes of Special Council Meeting <br /> October 11, 1983 <br /> Page Five <br /> Mulcahy move d. seconded by McAllister, that Council approve the <br /> "height" and lIopennessll variance, permitting an 8' high solid <br /> fen ce , as requested. Motion carried (Mulcahy, Christiansen, <br /> Hicks voting in favor of the motion; McAllister and Woodburn <br /> voting in opp osi ti on) . (3-2) <br /> Ordinance No. 229, Adopting By Reference the Uniform Fire Code - <br /> Final Readinf! <br /> Council was referred to draft of Ordinance No. 229 and to letters <br /> . from Miller (10-4-83) <br /> Miller reported that the ordinance draft incorporates his <br /> recommended districts in which storage of flammable or combustible <br /> liquida and bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gases and <br /> storage of exp losi ves and bias ting a gen ts are to be prohibited; <br /> reported that the limi~ed storage of liquefied petroleum in the <br /> residential districts may c re ate a problem for certain large <br /> us e r s (Mounds View High School, Columbia. Transit, Valentine <br /> Hills Elementary and Presbyterian Homes, located in residential <br /> districts) ; noted tha t he does not believe they currently have <br /> above ground L P storage, but an "exceptionlt clause could be <br /> inserted to allow larger bulk storage limits by Special Use <br /> Pe rmi t (Sec. 4 (c) ) . <br /> After discussion, McAllister moved t seconded by Christiansen, <br /> that Council waive the Final Reading of Ordinance No. 229. <br /> Mo t i on carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> Christiansen moved, seconded by Hicks, that Counci 1 adop t <br /> Ordinance No. 22 9 ,AN ORDINAN CE ADOPTING BY RE FE REN CE THE <br /> MINNESOTA UNIFORM FIRE CODE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT <br /> THEREOF; ESTABLISHING LIMITS OF DISTRICTS IN WHI CH CERTAIN <br /> FLAMMABLES, COMBUSTIBLES AND EXPLOS I VES ARE PROHIBITED; <br /> ESTABLISHING APPEALS PROCEDURES AND REVIEW COMMITTEE; REPEALING <br /> ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES AND PROVISIONS THEREOF; AND PROVIDING <br /> PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, as amended by inse rt ing the following <br /> to Section 4( c) : <br /> " ...except as allowed by Special Use Permits <br /> heretofore approved and in effect in <br /> accordance with S e c t i on VI, E, 10 of the <br /> Zoning Code, prior to the enactment of this <br /> ordinancell are hereby established as follows: <br /> Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> Hamline Avenue Access to County Ro ad E - George Salitros <br /> George Salitros, 3625 N. Hamline, said he is representing his <br /> neighbors on Hamline Avenue as well as himself, in reques ting <br /> that something be done about the Hamline/County Road E intersection; <br /> reported tha t it is very difficult for Hamline t rafti c to see <br /> westbound traffic on County Road E; explained that some of <br /> . the problem is high grass in summer and snow piles in winter <br /> which reduce visibility from Hamline to ze roo <br /> Salitros said the p rob lem is worse sin ce the installation of <br /> the semaphores; fee Is they have created an unsafe condition and <br /> does not feel the residents on Harnline Avenue should have to <br /> put thei r lives in jeopardy; s tate d that safe ty should not be <br /> measured in dollars; fee Is an additional "stop" li gh t is needed <br /> to allow Hamline traffic to access onto County Road E. <br /> Salitros no te d another problem of cars turning onto Hamline and <br /> turning around in the driveways when they find it is not a thru- <br /> street; feels the confusion is caused by a sign directing <br /> traffic to Bethel College on Snelling Avenue; noted that the <br /> Bethel access is actually from Highway 51; suggested additonal <br /> signs on County Road E to direct Bethel College t raffi C. <br /> ------.-- <br />