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<br /> ----- <br /> . <br /> Minutes of Special Cauncil Meeting <br /> Octaber 11, 1983 <br /> Page Eight <br /> Palice Can t r act Propasal <br /> In review af the service contract comparisons" <br /> attached to. McAllister's memo" it was noted tha t the <br /> p roj e c te d $20,000 se rvt ce cost di f fe rence was <br /> primarily based on salaries, he a 1 th & accident <br /> insurance" PERA, and works man's compensation. <br /> In discussian, it was nated tha t a $20,000 savings would be <br /> worth laaking into.; it was fel t that more informatian would <br /> be needed in orde r to. evaluate praposal far f u t u re canside r- . <br /> atian. <br /> Danatian - Minnesata Baptist Conference <br /> Council expressed its appreciatian to Minnesota Baptist <br /> Conference far its $275.00 gift to Arden Hills, and for being <br /> such a "gaad neighbor".. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> Cable TV Meetinjl <br /> McAllister reparted that appa ren tly a s t ri ke and a tornado have <br /> caused graup W some delays; reparted that the committee dis- <br /> c us sed filing a notice with graup W relative to. the slaw <br /> construction; no. te d that cities can levy fines of $500/day lei ty <br /> ($5 ,OOO/day). <br /> Ramsey County - 5 year Capital Im~. Prajlram 1984-88 <br /> Council was referred to Ie t te r from Caunty Engineer ( 10-3~83) <br /> requesting s ugges tions for the Five-Year Capital Improvement <br /> Program. <br /> Some suggestions, expressed by Council: <br /> 1. New Brightan Raad up-grade. <br /> 2. Ingerson Raad, west of Fernwood-canstruct a small <br /> ditch on north side af Ingerson to. drain the road. <br /> County Road F and Fairview Drainajle Problem <br /> Woodburn reported that Engineer Christoffersen met with County <br /> Enginee r re this drainage problem; prapose to construct a ditch <br /> along County Road F, both side s of Fairview, to drain intersection <br /> pending approval of affected properties. <br /> Parkihjl Prablem - Grey Fox Raad <br /> Council was re fe rred to 1ne mo fram Deputy She ri if Frank Herbst <br /> (10-6-83) , and attached drawing. <br /> After discussion, Council autharized the yellow paintinl1 of <br /> the curb" and the installation af app rap ri ate no. parking signs <br /> within 50' of the railroad spur, as per drawing. <br /> Satelli te Dishes - Tim Tuggle asked abaut regulatians for <br /> satellite dishes, noted several large dishes in residential . <br /> yards. Miller sdvised we've been treating them as a c ce s s 0 ry <br /> structures. He i gh t of Eme ra ld Inn dish was questianed; referred <br /> to Building Inspectar to. che ck height. <br /> Le t te r af Sept. 21, 1983 re Ci ty Water South of Hillhway 96 <br /> .!'>lonjl Hijlhway 10. <br /> Cauncil was referred to. a le t te r request far special consideration <br /> in curbing costs for clean city water. <br /> It was noted that Council tabled its action after the public <br /> hearing was held and has take n the ma t t e r under advisemen t. It <br /> was noted that superfund monies cannat be used to reimburse <br /> cities fo.r work done p ri a r to acceptance of an impravement by <br /> l:PA; it was noted also., that a pending law suit by several <br /> residents af the area may be jeapardized by city's intervention <br /> at this time, and the Public Hearing clearly in di ca te d that <br /> water will nat be e xtende d to. this area at this time. <br />