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<br />'. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Counci I Meeting <br />May 23, 1983 <br />'Page two <br /> <br />~nQlneer's Letter re 1990 Flow Rates <br />Christoffersen reported that he wrote to Metro Councl I (5-18-83) <br />explaining that his 1990 projections (1.56 MGD) were based on <br />estimates of population and per capita flows; consider the esti- <br />mates to be consistent with engineering design standards, but has <br />no objection to Metro Council's use of Its estimates for planning <br />purposes. (1.42 MGD) <br /> <br />(Letter to be copied for Councl I) <br /> <br />Discussion of Policy Statement and Guidelines for Industrial <br />Revenue Bond Flnancln~ - Peter Popovich <br /> <br />Bond Counse I Peter Popovich referred Councl I to draft of suggested <br />Industrial Revenue Financing Policy/Procedural Memo for Council's <br />consideration, which he said is simi lar to that adopted by Rosevllle. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Popovich noted that the purpose of "guidelines" is to assist the <br />City In evaluating proposals; noted that Council may determine not <br />to entertain any applications; suggested that Council look at the <br />guidelines with reference to Arden Hills' particular circumstances; <br />noted that I RB 's are schedu led to go out 9Y 1986. <br /> <br />Popovich reviewed the "policy factors" and "guidelines" for consider- <br />ation; noted that the "guidelines" should be a list of preferences <br />which are considered indicative of community concerns and desires. <br />He presented a list of guidelines that other cities have considered: <br /> <br />-prefers commercial projects be owner occupied <br />-does not give competitive advantage over existing <br />businesses <br />-project should be compatible with City's overal I <br />development plans <br />-project should not involve excessive demand on City <br />services, or create safety or health hazards. <br />-building be constructed to be multi-purpose, with <br />good design etc. <br />-project should be receptive to surrounding community <br />-applicant should invest personally in the project <br /> <br />In discussion of the suggested application requirements, Popovich <br />included: <br />-a non-refundable cash payment of $5,000 to the City <br />at time of application, and <br />-in addition, a $1,000 cash deposit to .be used by <br />City for administrative and consulting costs (balance <br />to be refunded after all costs are paid). <br />-a statement defining the project, showing its <br />compliance with Minnesota Statute 474, In detail, <br />indicating the number of jobs created, yearly payroll <br />anticipated and tax base created <br />-a detailed breakdown of all anticipated costs <br />-furnish certified annual audits for last 3 years <br />-a list of offices and directors, and their biographies <br />-banker's proposed Interest rates . <br />-attorney's opinion regarding the legal description <br />and status of title <br />-construction schedule and time table <br />-envl ronmenta I Impact statement as to effect on <br />surrounding properties <br />-a statement that applicant agrees to pay al I costs <br />Incurred by the City and Its agents If not covered by <br />the deposits. <br /> <br />Popovich briefly discussed other conditions for consideration: <br /> <br />-Size of Issue - probably not consider Issues of less <br />than $1,000,000 because of costs <br /> <br />-2- <br />