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<br />.. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />April 11, 1983 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Uniform Fire Code <br />Miller stated he had been asked to make recommendations for Sec- <br />tion 4(a), (b) and (e), re storage of flammable materials. He <br />noted that these districts do not need to conform to zoning dis- <br />tricts, but it seems expedient to do so. He recommended that <br />Section 4(2), Districts in which Storage of Flammable or Combus- <br />tible Liquids in Outside Aboveground Tanks is to be Prohibited, <br />would be all the residential zones, the B-1 and possibly the B-2 <br />zones. <br /> <br />Section 4(b), Districts in which New Bulk Plants for Flammable <br />or Combustible Liquids are to be Prohibited, Miller understands <br />to be areas in which these are stored for resale, and he would <br />recommend all except 1-2. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />No recommendation was made for Section 4(c) pending more infor- <br />mation from Fire Marshal's office. He also noted that most ref- <br />erences in Ordinance No. 229 seem to relate to the '73 edition of <br />the Uniform Fire Code. <br /> <br />No Council action was taken. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> <br />Investments <br />4-4-83 - $105,272.55 at First Federal at 9.25%, <br />maturing 9-28-83. <br /> <br />Christiansen moved, seconded by McAllister, that Council ratify <br />the Treasurer's investment. Motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />Bid Award, 1983 Diseased Tree and Stump Removal Contract <br />Council reviewed Buckley memo, 4-8-83, recommending bid be awarded <br />to Bluemel Tree Service, Hudson, Wisconsin. Council questioned <br />tabulation of bid data, would like clarification. <br /> <br />It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by McAllister, that 1983 <br />Tree Removal Contract be awarded to Bluemel Tree Service. Motion <br />carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />Approval To Attend Toro Service Training School <br />McAllister moved that Council approve Bell's attendance at Toro <br />Service Training School. Motion was seconded by Mulcahy, carried <br />unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />May Council Meetings <br />Motion was made by Mulcahy, seconded by Christiansen, that May <br />Council meetings be scheduled on May 9 and May 23. Motion carried <br />unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />North Suburban Cable Commission <br />McAllister atated that she attended the last meeting of the Com- <br />mission with Arden Hills' representative Bauer; noted that five of . <br />the membe r ci ties have not app rove d an amendment to the franchise <br />ordinance which gives NSCC authority to accept or reject changes <br />Group W may wish to make in the contract. Group W has already re- <br />quested one change; instead of one head end and two hubs, wants <br />two head ends and no hubs. She noted none of the members of the <br />Commission possess technical background to evaluate this change. <br />Bauer is a member of the selection committee which is to explore <br />possible employment of a Cable Officer for administration of the <br />contract. <br /> <br />Legislative Action <br /> <br />- Anoka County Airport. Mayor Woodburn repor~ed that if bill <br />recommended by subcommittee goes through, airport will remain <br />as it is; amendment was added that runways cannot be shortened. <br /> <br />-6- <br />