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<br />I <br />I- <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I- <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I- <br />I <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 26.1996 <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br />Kevin Pedersen, 1407 Forest Lane, stated he is concerned with the character and compatibility <br />of the proposed tract. He noted the tract does meet the ordinances, but does so sparingly. Mr. <br />Pedersen stated the setbacks for his property are 75 feet, the neighboring lots are 80 feet, and the <br />proposed tract will be 60 feet. He noted it does meet the requirements, but will be out of context <br />with the rest of the neighborhood. Mr. Pedersen noted the new home will be 10 to 15 feet from <br />his house. He also stated that he had made an offer to purchase the land from the applicant, but <br />was unsuccessful. <br /> <br />John Rengo, E.G. Rud & Sons, noted the project was discussed at length at the Planning <br />Commission meeting, and did not have anything further to offer. He noted that the snow fence <br />outside the drip line will be difficult to place due to the location. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone stated that the land has three separate lots now, and changing the RLS to <br />two lots would lower the value of property. He stated the zoning ordinance is appropriate for the <br />City now, and that the owner has agreed to every condition placed by the Planning Commission <br />recommendation. Councilmember Malone also noted that it is in the owner's best interest to save <br />as many trees as possible, as they increase the value of his property. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that there are three lots of record with the County, and the Council cannot <br />change that. He stated he understands the neighborhood's issue regarding the character of the <br />neighborhood, but as long as the ordinances are met, the COlmcil is limited in the actions that <br />they can take. <br /> <br />Councilmember Keim inquired if more trees will be preserved than indicated. Mayor Probst <br />replied it is a function of placement of the home. <br /> <br />Mr. Ringwald stated the RLS shows the general building patterns, but does not have the specific <br />floor plan or layout. He noted that additional trees may be saved, and reiterated the applicant <br />understands the value of the trees to his property. <br /> <br />Pat Durand, 1420 Arden Place, stated she lives behind the east lot of the proposed RLS. She <br />stated she is concerned that the drainage will be worse if trees are lost. Ms. Durand inquired if <br />the City can request the owner to save additional trees in order to minimize the drainage her <br />property will receive. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated he was not prepared to answer as he did not know enough about the <br />situation, but noted the City cannot dictate a change to the flow patterns of a property. He stated <br />that it was similar to a new owner applying for a building permit and beginning construction. <br /> <br />Sarah Literski, 1378 Forest Lane, stated the neighborhood agrees with the Pedersens that one <br />home on the lot would be acceptable, but two is not. <br />