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CC 12-05-1996
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 12-05-1996
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<br /> I <br /> I <br /> it ARDEN HILLS TRUTH-IN-TAXATION - DECEMBER 5,1996 4 <br /> upward mobility except in the case of the arsenal, which most citizens seem to agree is now in the <br /> I distant future, There also is not much additional traffic capacity in many areas of the City, <br /> Mr. Aiken commended Mr. Post on his presentation but stated he would recommend the charts be <br /> I more user friendly. He suggested that more general information is educational and useful for the <br /> public; more specific information should be included in the charts rather than listed on separate <br /> I sheets (or both); each chart should be fully explained in its respective categories; the relationship of <br /> the funds should be emphasized and the role they play; and the total assets, liabilities, fund equity, <br /> and maintenance and total available funds of the City should be described. <br /> I Mr. Aiken stated he felt the engineer had difficulty explaining what the Pavement Management <br /> Program was at the recent infomlational meeting, He noted he also has difficulty in identifying the <br /> I budget materials alone without referring to the annual budget document. He felt there was a similar <br /> problem with the tracking of administrative costs, He suggested a system be used that is similar to <br /> that utilized by non-profit organizations which would track administrative costs versus programs <br /> I provided in percentage terms. This could provide an accurate figure of how much is being spent on <br /> priorities versus administration. <br /> Ie Mr. Aiken questioned the City's rationale for hiring a full-time building inspector. He also <br /> questioned the contracting of engineering services at a rate of 15% on street projects and the <br /> contracting oflegal services with an attorney who happens to work for the City of Shoreview, Mr. <br /> I Aiken noted there has been a 137% increase in Planning and Zoning expenditures since 1992 and <br /> questioned when the residents would see the results of these expenditures, He noted the expenditure <br /> I of$50,000 for the Comprehensive Plan Update and questioned if some of the results of the prior year <br /> research on the economic development of the Arsenal could be utilized to reduce the cost. He also <br /> questioned the consequence if the Update was not done, Mr. Aiken questioned the expenditure of <br /> I $16,900 for a copier and P,C, workstation, Mr. Aiken questioned the necessity of the GIS system, <br /> He encouraged the City to go with less expensive or nonproprietary software - hardware setup and <br /> utilize citizen resources, <br /> I Mr. Aiken questioned the accumulation of $1 ,700,000 for the proposed new City Hall. He noted the <br /> Council has been accruing monies from the general fund since 1994 on an average of$125,000 per <br /> I year. He asked if the expenditure of the $125,000 out of the General Fund money will be continued <br /> to fund capital expansion, If so, what is the City planning to buy? Couldn't this money be <br /> benefiting residents now, rather than years from now? <br /> I Mr. Aiken asked ifthe commitment to the Blaine Hockey Facility will affect the City of Arden Hills <br /> in town expenditures for skating rinks and how this commitment will be reflected in the Budget <br /> I Mayor Probst stated the suggestions made by Mr. Aiken in regard to the presentation of the Budget <br /> it have been duly noted by Mr. Post for consideration. <br /> I <br />
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