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<br />L-...~.... vvt:ur le::;Ui;;I.YI LJt:t;, I v, LVU"+ t""ilge 11 <br /> Survived by wife Lorraine; Survived by wife Vivian; brother Gary Nirk; sisters "EXCEPT'ONAL , <br />In'Memory... . <br /> daughters Wendy Pigorscb children Darlene Felegy and Patricia Jasper, Judith GAYLE NELSON <br /> and husband Nate, and Patri- husband Peter; and Robert; Thomas, and Janet Nirk. <br /> continued from Page 10 cia Sylvester; sons Todd, brother Martin; and sister Service was held at Faith Realtor since 1980 <br /> Michael, James, and Shawn Olga Vick; grandchildren United Methodist Church. <br />William Drummond and wife SheUie; 15 grandchil. Nikki; Staey; and Christy; and Multi-Million <br />Mass of Christian Burial for dren; and two great-grandchil- great-granddaughter Audrey. Karen Jeffrey Dollar Producer <br />William B. Drummond, age dren. Slimak was a life-member of Karen M. Jefuey, age 57, of <br /> Service wsas held at Nativ- the St. Mary's Choir. "99.9% Success Rate!" <br />77, of St. Anthony was held ity Lutheran Church. New Brighton died Nov. 8. <br />Nov. 3 at St. Charles Borromeo Survived by husband Jim; <br /> Boyce was a 35-year Evelyn Sexton son Loren Hilmer; stepchil- CALL MOST ANYTIME <br />Catholic Church. employee of Honeywell. 651-639-0101 <br />Survived by wife Mary Evelyn A. Sexton, age 76, of dren Marcy and husband <br />Ellen; daughter Deborah; Arden Hills died Nov. 7. Mike, Pam and husband c:ounselor@ <br />grandchildren Heather, Margaret Hanson Survived by sisters Kathryn Shane, Doug, and Monica and <br />Danny, Crystal, and Shelby; Margaret A. Hanson, age 42, and Elizabeth Schumacher; husband Dylan; siblings Dar- realty inc. <br />and seven great-grandchildren. of New Brighton died Nov. 3. sister-in-law Marcella; nieces; ryIO'Donnell, and Barb <br /> Survived by husband Kim; nephews; grandniec,es; and Woodward; grandchildren, <br /> Helen Coulter father Kenneth Mahoney; sis- grandnephews. nieces, nephews; and other <br /> Service for Helen L. Coulter, ters Mary, Kathleen, and Preceded in death by family. <br />age 95, of St. Anthony was N aney; and brother Kevin. brother Patrick; and sister Service was held at Mi1ler- <br /> Preceded in death by mother Mary Walters. Brighton Funeral Home. <br />held Nov. 6 at Chandler Place. Elaine; and brother Brian. Mass of Christian Burial <br /> Survived by nieces Kare,n Service was held at the was held at St. Rose of Lima Leland Lindholm <br />Olson, Bonnie Lee, and Susan <br />Lee; nephews William Wasson United Theological Seminary. Catholic Church in Rosevi1le. "Lindy" Lindholm, age 83, <br />and wife Nancy, and George Jack Hanson Rachel Davis of Shoreview died Nov. 10. <br />Wasson and wife Gail; and Survived by wife Dorothy; <br />other family. Jack E. Hanson, age 77, of Rachel Davis, age 92, of children Sandra Richmond <br />Preceded in death by hus~ New Brighton died Nov. 5. Arden Hi11s died Nov. 7. and husband Albert, Greg and <br />bands Robert Wasson and Survived by son Teny and Survived by daughters wife Stephanie, Kevin and <br />Milo Coulter. wife Debbie; daughters Carole Arlene AIm and husband wife Diane; grandchildren <br /> McCulloch and husband Paul, Tom, and Nancy Altman and Eric, Emily, Kirsten, and <br /> Leila Zingg and Linda LeClaire; grandchil- husband Daniel; son Avi; Bjorn; and other relatives. <br /> Leila F. Zingg, age 89, of dren Craig, Eric, Nick, Tony, grandchildren Havi, Sharon, Preceded in death by three <br />New Brighton died Nov. 2. and Blair; great-grandson Eli; Barbara, Michelle, Seth, and bothers; and four sisters. <br /> Survived by brother Bob sister Phyllis Plumart; in-laws, Daniel; and four great-grand. Service was held at Messiah <br />Frisell and wife Linda; sister nieces and nephews. children. Lutheran Church in Mounds <br />Carol Fjerstad; sister. in-law Preceded in death by wife Preceded in death by hus- View. <br />Evelyn; nieces; nephews; Gertrude; brother Don; sister band Henry. <br />great-nieces; and great. Beverly Petersen; and brother- Service was held at the Sadie Larson <br />nephews; and other relatives. Gene Plumart Hodroff-Epstein Memorial Sadie A. Larson, age 91, of <br /> Preceded in death by hus- Service was held at the Chapels in St Paul. New Brighton died Nov.H. <br />band Willis; brothers Carl, and Miller Funeral Home in Frid- Davis was president of the Survived by brother Ernest <br />Ed Frisen; and sister Edna ley. Davis Paper Co. and active in Block, niece Bernice Krahler <br />Milam. Hanson was a retired postal B'nai B'rith. and husband Donald; nieces; <br /> Service was held at the Cre. inspector. nephews and other relatives. <br />mati-on Society of Minn. Lois Letourneau Preceded in death by hus. <br />Brooklyn Park Chapel. Stephen Slimak Leis 1. Letourneau, age 68, band Lester; three brothers; <br /> Service for Stephen Slimak, ofSt. Anthony died Nov. 7. and three sisters. <br /> Maynard Boyce age 85, of St. Anthony was Survived by sons Wayne, Service was held at Wash. <br /> Maynard Z. Boyce, age 74, held Nov. 10 at St. Mary's Charles, and Neal and wife burn-McReavy Hillside Chapel <br />formerly of St. Anthony died Orthodox Cathedral in N orth- Barb; grandsons Zachary, and in Northeast Minneapolis. <br />Nov. 4. east Minneapolis. Anthony; mother Ethel Nirk; <br /> Public Notices <br /> Arden Hills not be added to the rent or thaI, if added, Chapter to file a return shall fail to do so her control, or who shall willfully make (Bulletin: Dec. 15,2004) furnish the required-bond. <br /> it or any partlhereof will be .refunded. In within the time prescribed, or shalt make, may incomplete, fa,lse or fraudulent ..;;;..............<,..~."'''''''..>~o bids mil."iilh~;:W_ <br /> ,(:cii'nP~tin:g. ,fheta'x .to :bi8; tOKeq;c, willfuUy or otherwise, an inc()rrect, false, retumshallbeguiltYpf1.l.i1i~Soemeanor. .... .;";'h.4",.., ('<l!!l"f. <br /> CITV.DF AROEI'I.HILLS .l)istrict~62lf;T . ~b1 s n,.,Clf(~I;' ...:... <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY amounts of tax ,less than one cent s. II 'Or fraudulent return; the. operator shal~ ' '380:t 4 U~. .of' Pi'OC~... ~Ninety-five <br /> be conside'ed an additional cent ~+ upon written notice and demand, file such percent (95%) of the proceeds obtained ,;:,;,,', . ,:'" ',:.;;i}" !:.;. Village the rightto'~,any'& <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA 380.06 Pavmlllnts and RllIturM. he return or corrected return within five (5) from the collection of taxes pursuant to NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING all bid,. <br /> OROINANCE NO. 351 taxes imposed by this Chapter shall be days of receipt of such written notice and this Chapter shall be used in accordance ON PROPOSEO SCHOOL DATED: D.ecember 7, 2004 <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO paid,by the operator to the City not later shall at the same time pay any tax due on with Minnesota Statutes 469.190, as the CLOSINGS BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCL <br />LOCAL LODGING TAX AND ADDING than twenty five (25) days alter the end 0' the basis thereol. It such person shall fail same may be amended from time to time, The School Board of District 621 sIs Barbara Suclu <br />CHAPTER 380 TO THE ARDEN HILLS the. month in which the ta:;es were to file such return or corrected return, the to fund a tocal convention or tourism proposes to close Pike lake Elementary CllyCletk <br /> CITY CODE. collected. At the 'time of payment the Director shall make a return or corrected bureau for' the. purpose 01 marketing and School (2101 NW t4th Street, New St. Anthony Village, MN <br />THE ARDEN HIUS CITY COUNCIL operator shall submit a relum upon such return, for such person from such promoting the City as a tourist or Brighton,MN 55112) and Snail lake (Bulletin: Dec. 8, 15, 2004) <br />ORDAINS THAT CHAPTER 380 IS forms and containing such Information as knowledge and information as the convention center. Elementary School (350 West Highway - <br />HEREBY ADDED TO THE ARDEN the City may require. The return shall Director can oblain, and assess a tax on 380.15AJ>illlA/J.. 96, Shoreview, MN 55126) at the end of <br />HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE TO READ contain the following minimum the basis thereof, which tax,' less any A. Any operator aggrieved by a notice, the 2004-05 school year, as a result of Shoreview <br /> AS FOLlOWS: information: payments theretofore made on acCount order or determination made by the declining enrollment and financial <br /> CHAPTER 380 A. The total amount of rent collected for of the tax for the taxable period covered Director under this Chapter may file a difficulties. STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />380.01 Definitions: As used in this lodging during the period covered by the by such retum shall be paid within five (5) petition for review of such notice, order or A public hearing will be held at 6 ~.m., COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />Chapter, the following words and terms retum. days of the receipt of written notice and determination detailing the operator's December 22, 2004, at Mounds View CITY OF SHOREVIEW <br />shall. have meanings given to them by B. The amount of tax required to be demand for such payment. Any such reasons for contesting the notice, order High SChool, 1900 lake Valentine Road, ORDINANCE NO. 769 <br />this section. collected and due for the period. relurn or assessment made by the or determination. The petition snail Arden Hills, MN 55112. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE <br />A. DIRECTQR. The Finance Director 01 C. The signature of the person filing the Director shall be prima lacie correct and contain the name 01 the petitioner, the (BulleW'1: Dec, 8, 15, 2004) CITY OF SHOREVIEW OFFICIAL <br />the City. return or that of an agent. duly authorized valid, and such person shall have the petitioner's address and the location 'of ZONING MAP REGARDING <br />B..c.IlY. The City 01 Arden Hills in writing. burden of establishing its incorrectness the lodging subject to the order, notice or - <br /> PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4748, 4754 <br />c. lODGING, The furnishing lor D. The period covered by the return. or invalidity in any action or proceeding in determination. St. Anthony HODGSON ROAD AND VACANT <br />consideration of lodging by a hotel, motel. E. The amount of uncollectible rental respect thereto, B. The pelition for review shall be -filed LANO EAsr OF 4772 HODGSON <br />rooming house, tourist court, or resort, charges subject to the lodging tax. B. If any portion of a tax imposed by this with the City within len (10) days after the INVITATION FOR BIOS <br /> F. A copy of the Minnesota State Sales Chapter, including penalties thereon, is notice, order or .determination lor which ROAD <br />except there such lodging shall be for a 2005 STREET The Shorevlew City Coundl ord.ln. <br />continuous period of thirty (30) days or and Use Tax Return submitted by the not paid within thirty (3D) days alter it is review is sought has been mailed or RECONSTRUCTION, that Section 205 of Its DeVelopment <br />more to the same lodger. operator for the period covered by the required to be paid, the City may institute served upon the person requesting <br />D. OPERATOR. A person who provides retum. such legal. action as may be necessary to review. STORM SEWER, WATERMAIN, Ordinance and Its Official Zonfng Map <br />lodging to others, or any officer, agent or The operator may offset against the recover the amount due plus interest, C. Upon receipt of the petitiqn, the City SANITARY SEWER, adopted April' 16, 2001 and effectI'I" <br />employee of such person. taxes payable with respect to any penalties, the costs and disbursements of Manager, or the Manager's designee, ANO APPURTENANT WORK May 9, 2001 are hereby amended <br /> follows: <br />E. f:E.B..SQN. Any individual, corporation, reporting period, the amount of taxes any action. shall set a date for a hearing and give the FOR THE CITY OF ST, ANTHONY SECTION 1. Dzuibek Devek <br />rtnership, association, estate, receiver, imposed by this Chapter previously paid C. Upon a showing 01 good cause, the petitioner at least five (5) days prior VILLAGE LLC. initiated a rezoning Irom , <br /> tee, executor, administrato~, as a result of any transaction the Director may grant an operator one thirty written notice of the date, time and place HEN.NEPIN COUNTY, Urban Underdeveloped to R1. Detact. <br /> nee, syndicate or any other consideration for which became (3D) day extension 01 time within which to of the hearin . <br /> ation of individuals. Whenever uncollectit>>e during such consideration file a return and make payment of taxes <br /> "person" is used in any provision for which became uncollectible during as r~uired by this Chapter provided that <br /> apter prescribing and imposing such reporting period, but only In intereSl'during such period 01 extension <br /> the term as applied to a proportion to the portion of such shall' be added to the taxes due at the <br /> association, or partnership, consideration which became rate of ten percent (10%) per annum. <br /> .....Hi.......,fUru>rt.. <br />