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<br />__ __ Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2004 Page 11
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<br />brother Gary Nlrk; sIsters
<br />I Patricia Jasper,. Judith GAYLE NELSON
<br />; Thomas, andJanet Nlrk.
<br />Service was held at Faith Realtor since 1980
<br />, United Methodist Church.
<br />I Multi-Million
<br />Karen Jeffrey Dollar Producer
<br />
<br />f Karen M. Jeffrey, age 57, of "99 90l SRI"
<br />New Brighton died Nov. 8. . 70 uccess ate.
<br />
<br />S"rvived by husbarid Jim; CALL MOST ANYTIME
<br />son Loren HIlmer; stcpchll- 651-63.9-0 l' 01
<br />dren Marcy and husband
<br />Mike, Pam and husband I @
<br />L Shane, Doug, and Monica and COU se or
<br />husband Dylan; siblings Dar- I .
<br />ryl O'Donnell, and Barb rea ty Inc.
<br />I Woodward; grandchildren,
<br />nieces, nephews; and other
<br />family.
<br />Service was held at Miller-
<br />Brighton Funeral Home.
<br />
<br />Leland Lindholm
<br />
<br />"Lindy" Lindholm, age 83,
<br />of Shore view died Nov. 10.
<br />Survived by wife Dorothy;
<br />children Sandra Richmond
<br />and husband Albert, Greg and
<br />wife Stephanie, Kevin and
<br />wife Diane; grandchildren
<br />Eric, Emily, Kirsten, and
<br />Bjorn; and other relatives.
<br />Preceded in death by three
<br />bothers; and fouT sisters.
<br />Service was held at Messiah
<br />Lutheran Church in Mounds
<br />View.
<br />
<br />Sadie Larson
<br />
<br />Sadie A. Larson, age 91, of
<br />New Brighton died Nov.ll.
<br />Survived by brother Ernest
<br />Block, niece Bernice Krahler
<br />and husband Donald; nieces;
<br />nephews and other relatives.
<br />Preceded in death by hus-
<br />band Lester; three brothers;
<br />and three sisters_
<br />Service was held at Wash-
<br />burn,McReavy Hillside Chapel
<br />in Northeast Minneapolis.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Notices
<br />her control, or who shalt willfully make (Bulletin: Dec. 15, 2004) furnish the required bond.
<br />may incomplete, false or fraudulent _'< >~, :>>"_ No bids maY~'~~f\."_ ':<" " .' '.
<br />:return,shaU~guiltyofarniSdemeanor.. . " )jf:;~~9~)($i~" '"" .
<br />380,14 Use 01 ProCeeds. ~;nety-five Dlstrlct62't open;ng of bfds. The ChyOl'Si.", .,.,
<br />I percent (95%) 01 the proceeds obtained ' 'Village reseryesthe righl-to:, , ' ,.", ' 'Zdj'
<br />from the coUection of taxes pursuant to NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING all bids.
<br />this Chapter shall be used in accordance ON PROPOSED SCHOOL DATED: December 7, 2004
<br />with Minnesota 'StalUles 469.190, as the CLOSINGS BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL.
<br />i same may be amended from time tQ time, The School Board of District 621 sir. ,BarbAl'R Sucl~
<br />to fund a locaf convention or tourism proposes to close Pike Lake Elementary City C1erIi:
<br />bureau ,for the pu~ose of marketing and School (2101 NW 14th Street, New . St. A':1thony Village, ~
<br />promotl~g the City as a tOUrist or Brighton, MN 55112) and Snail Lake (Bulletin: Dec. 8, 15, 2004)
<br />convention center. Elementary School (350 West Highway _
<br />380.15~. 96 Shoreview MN 55126) at the end of
<br />A. Any operator .agg~eved by a notice, th~. 2004-05 s'chool year, as a result of Shereview
<br />order or determinatIOn made by, the declining enrollment and financial
<br />Director under this Chapter may file a difficulties. STATE OF MINNESOTA
<br />petition for review of such notice, order or A public hearing will be held at 6 p.m. COUNTY OF RAMSEY
<br />determination deta,iling the ~perator's December 22, 2004, at Mounds Vie~ CITY OF SHOREVlEW
<br />reasons fo~ cO~lestmg the n~t~ce, order High School, 1900 Lake Valentine Road, ORDINANCE NO. 769
<br />or d?termmatlon. The, pet~tlon shall Arden Hills, MN 55112. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE
<br />co~taln t~e name of- the petlllOn~r, the (Bulletin: Dec. 8, 15,2004) CITY OF SHOREVIEW OFFICIAL
<br />petltlon~r s ad~ress and the locatl?n of _ ZONING MAP REGARDING
<br />the JOd~m~ subject to the order, notice or PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4748. 4754:
<br />detem""""on, " St Anthony HOOGSON ROAD AND VACANT
<br />~. The petitio,n ~or review shaH be filed. LAND EAST OF 4772 HODGSON
<br />WIth the City Within ten (10) days after the INVITATION FOR BIDS ROAD
<br />not~ce, order or determination for. which 2005 STREET The Shorevlew City, Council ordain$
<br />review IS sought has been mailed. or RECONSTRUCTION that Section 205 of its Development
<br />served upon the person requestmg , .l
<br />' STORM SEWER WATERMAIN Ordinance and Its Official Zoning Mall"
<br />review. , " adopted A 1116 2001 and effec:tlve
<br />C. Upon receipt of the petition, th~City SANITARY SEWER, Ma 9 ~ are 'hereb amended &If,
<br />Manager, or the Manager's deSignee, AND APPURTENANT WORK f It '. y
<br />Sh~l~ set a date fora ~earing and give t~e FOR THE CITY OF ST. ANTHONY ~EO~ON 1. Dzulbek Development
<br />p~llIOner ,at least five (~) days pnor VILLAGE LLC. initiated a rezoning from UNOr
<br />wntten notice of the date, lime and place HENNEPIN COUNTY, Urban Underdevel,oped to Al, DEif8Che~
<br />.....----. - ..
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