<br /> - . . . . . . . ~T_ (
<br /> Bulletin ..._.__..~_..."
<br /> In Memory... Survived by wife Lorraine; Survived by wife Vivia
<br /> daughters Wendy Pigorsch children Darlene Felegy a,
<br /> continued from Page to and husband Nate, and Patri- husband Peter; and Robe,
<br /> cIa Sylvester; sons Todd, brother Martin; and sistI
<br /> Michael, James, and Shawn Olga Vick; grandchildre
<br /> William Drummond and wife Shellie; IS grandchil. Nikki; Stacy; and Christy; ar
<br /> Mass of Christian Burial for dren; and.two great-grandchil. great-granddaughter Audrey.
<br /> WiJliam B. Drummond, age dren. Slimak was a life-member,
<br /> 77, of St. Anthony was held Service wsas held at Nativ. the St. Mary's Choir.
<br /> Nov. 3 at St. Ch",les Borromeo ity Lutheran Church.
<br /> Catholic Church. Boyce was a 35-year Evelyn Sexton
<br /> Survived by wife Mary employee of Honeywell. Evelyn A. Sexton, age 76, ,
<br /> Ellen; daughter Deborah; Arden Hills died Nov. 7.
<br /> grandchildren Heather, Margaret Hanson Survived by sisters Kathry
<br /> Danny, Crystal, and Shelby; Margaret A. Hanson, age 42, and Elizabeth Schumache
<br /> and seven great-grandchildren. of New Brighton died Nov. 3. sister~in-law Marcella; niece
<br /> Survived by husband Kim; nephews; grandnieces; an
<br /> Helen Coulter father Kenneth Mahoney; sis- grandnephews.
<br /> S~rvice for Helen L. Coulter, ters Mary, Kathleen, and Preceded in death b
<br /> age.95, of St. Anthony was Nancy; and brother Kevin. brother Patrick; and siste
<br /> held Nov. 6 at Chandler Place. Preceded in death by mother Mary Walters.
<br /> Survived by nieces Karen Elaine; and brothetBrian. Mass of Christian Buria
<br /> Olson. Bonnie Lee, and Susan Service was held at the was held at St. Rose of Lim
<br /> Lee; nephews William Wasson United Theological Seminary. Catholic Church in Roseville.
<br /> and wife Nancy, and George Jack Hanson Rachel Davis
<br /> Wasson and wife Gail; and
<br /> other family. Jack E. Hanson, age 77, of Rachel Davis, age 92, 0
<br /> Preceded in death by hus- New Brighton died Nov. 5. Arden Hills died Nov. 7.
<br /> bands Robert Wasson and Survived by son Terry and ,Survived by daughter
<br /> Milo Coulter. wife Debbie; daughters Carole 'Arlene AIm and husban
<br /> I McCulloch and husband Paul, Tom, and Nancy Altman an
<br /> Leila Zingg and Linda LeClaire; grandchil- husband Daniel; son Avi
<br /> Leila F. Zingg, age 89, of dren Craig, Eric, Nick, Tony, grandchildren Havi, Sharo
<br /> I New Brighton died Nov. 2. and Blair; great-grandson Eli; Barbara, Michene, .seth, an
<br /> Survived by brother Bob sister Phyllis Plumart; in-laws, Daniel; and four great-gran
<br /> i l'risell and wife Linda; sister nieces and nephews. children.
<br /> Carol Fjerstad; -sister-in-law Preceded in death by wife Preceded in death by hu
<br /> ~velyn; .pieces; nephews; Gertrude; prather Dori; sister band Henry.
<br /> grea t-nieces; and great- Beverly Petersen; and brother- Service was held at th
<br /> nephews; and other relatives. in~law GenePlumart. Hodroff-Epstein Memoria
<br /> Preceded in death by hus- Service was held at the Chapels in St. Pau1.
<br /> band Willis; brothers Carl, and Miller Funeral Home in Frid- Davis was president of th/
<br /> Ed Frisell; and sister Edna ley. Davis Paper Co. and active it
<br /> , Hanson was a retired postal B'nai B'rith.
<br /> I Milam.
<br /> I Service was held at the Cre- inspector.
<br /> mation Society of Minn. Lois Letourneau
<br /> Brooklyn Park Chape1. Stephen Slimak Lois 1. Letourneau, age 6E
<br /> Service for Stephen Slimak, of St. Anthony died Nov. 7.
<br /> Maynard Boyce age 85, of St. Anthony was Survived by sons Wayne
<br /> I Maynard Z. Boyce, age 74, held Nov. 10 at St. Mary's Charles, and Neal and wif.
<br /> fonnerly of St. Anthony died Orthodox Cathedral in North- Barb; grandsons Zachary, ani
<br /> I Nov. 4. east Minneapolis. Anthony; mother Ethel Nirk:
<br /> I
<br /> I Public
<br /> Arden Hills not be added to the rent or that, if added, Chapter to file a return shall fail to ~o so
<br /> it or any partlhereof will be refunded. In within Ihe time prescribed, or shall make
<br /> CITY OF ARDEN, HILLS computing'the tax to- be. ,lJollected, willfully or otherwise, an-inCorrect, fiiliS
<br /> COuNTY OF RAMSEY amounts of tax less than one cent shall or frauduffint return, the operator'snaU
<br /> be considered an additional cent .. upon written notice and demand, file
<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA 380.06 PaYments and RetUrns. _ The return or corrected return within five (5
<br /> ORDINANCE 1'10. 351 taxes imposed by this Chapter shall be days 01 receipt of such wrinen notice an
<br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO paid by the operator to the City not later shall at the same time pay any tax due a
<br /> LOCAL LODGING TAX AND ADDING than twenty five (25) days after the end of the basis thereof. If such person shall fai
<br /> CHAPTER 380 TO THE ARDEN HILLS the month in which the taxes were to file such return or corrected return, the
<br /> CITY CODE. collected. At the time of payment the Director shall make a return or corrected
<br /> THE ARDEN HILLS CrrVCOUNCIL operator shall submit al relum upon such return, for such person from such
<br /> ORDAINS THAT CHAPTER 380 IS lorms and containing such information as knowledge and information as the
<br /> HEREBY ADDED TO THE ARDEN the City may require. The return shall Director can obtain, and assess a tax on
<br /> HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE TO READ contain the following minimum the basis thereof, which tax: less any
<br /> AS FOLLOWS: inlormation: payments theretofore made on account
<br /> CHAPTER 380 A. The total amount of rent collected for of the tax for the taxable period covered
<br /> 380.01 Definitions: As used in this lodging during the period covered by the by such return shall be paid within five (5)
<br /> Chapter, the following words and terms return. days of Ihe receipt of written notice and
<br /> shatl ,have' meanings given to Ihem by B. The amount of tax required 10 be demand for such payment. Any such
<br /> this sectiorf. collected and due for the period. return or assessment made by the
<br /> A. DIRECTQR. The Finance Director of C. The signature of the person filing the Director shall be prima facie correct and
<br /> IheCity. return or that of an agent duly authorized valid, and such person shall have the
<br /> B.CITY. The City of Arden Hills in writing. burden of establishing its incorrectness
<br /> c. lODGING. ,The furnishing for D. The period covered by the return. or invalidity in any action or proceeding in
<br /> consideration of lodging by a hotel, motel, E. The amount of uncollectible rental respect thereto.
<br /> I rooming house, tourist- court, or resort, charges subject to the lodging tax. B. If any portion of a tax impOSed by this
<br /> except there such lOdging' shall be for a F. A copy of the Minnesota State Sales .Chapter, including penalties thereon, is
<br /> continuous period of thirty (30) days or and ,Use Tax Return submitted, by the not paid within thirty (30) days after it is
<br /> mare to the same lodger. operator for t.he period covered by the required to be paid, the City may institute
<br /> I D. OPERATOR. A person who provides return. such legal action as may be necessary to
<br /> lodging to others, or any officer, agent or The operator may offset against the recover the amount due plus interest,
<br /> I employee of such person. taxes payable with respect to any penalties, the costs and disbursements of
<br /> E. fE.BSQN. Any-individual, corporation, reporting period, the amount of taxes any action.
<br /> partnership, association, estate, receiver,' imposed by this Chapter previously paid C. Upon a showing of gOOd cause, the
<br /> tn,lslee, executor, administrator, as a result of any transaction the Director may granl an operator one thirty
<br /> assignee, syndicate 0' eny other consideration 1m which became (30) day extension of time within which to
<br /> combination of individuals. Whenever uncollectible during such consideration file a return and make payment of taxe
<br /> the term "person~ is used In any provision lor which became uncollectible during as required by this Chapter provided tha
<br /> . 01 this Chapter prescribing and impOSing such reporting period, but only in interest during such periOd of extensio
<br /> a penalty, the term af applied 10 a proportion to the portion of such shall be, added to the taxes, due at th
<br /> corporation, association, or partnership, consideration which became rate 01 ten percent (10%) per annum.
<br /> II cli Ie. 3lI1
<br />