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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, August 11, 1986 <br />Page 2 <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE PLANNER ORLYN MILLER <br /> <br />Case No. 86-16, Special Use Permit for Electronic Receivina Dish - Jerome <br />StradinRer, 1426 West County Road E <br />Council was referred to Planning Commission minutes (8/6/86) and to Planning <br />memo (7/28/86). Miller reported that comments, at the public hearing, ranged <br />from questionable legality of the ordinance to opposition to satellites in <br />general; reported that one neighbor opposed the specific satellite, which is in <br />the rear yard, 17' from side property line, partially screened by a mature tree <br />to the east and by relatively dense trees to the south. Miller noted that the <br />present satellite location is probably the least conspicuous spot on the lot; is <br />not visible from the street. ~ <br /> <br />Miller reported that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Special <br />Use Permit for the electronic receiving dish as sited. <br /> <br />Applicants were asked by Hansen if they have obtained written comments from <br />their neighbors since the hearing on August 6. Joyce Stradinger said they have <br />not because they are on vacation this week; is sure they received the notice of <br />hearing because they have only been gone one week. <br /> <br />Virail Graves, 3580 N. Snellina, said he objects to the electronic receiving <br />dish because of its "permanence"; noted other objectionable neighborhood <br />nuisances are "temporary", e.g. - too many cars for the number of drivers, <br />etc.; noted these will be rectified in time, but the dish will remain. <br /> <br />After discussion, Hansen moved, seconded by Sather, that Council approve the <br />Special Use Permit allowing the electronic receiving dish in its present back <br />yard location. <br /> <br />In further discussion, it was noted that Council appreciates the concerns of <br />Mr. Graves; the dish, as sited, seems to be at the best possible location on <br />the lot; dish is apparently not objectionable to others in the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Case No. 86-25, Special Use Permit to Construct and Operate Tom Thumb <br />Convenience Store and Gasoline Pumps - Tom Thumb Food Markets, Inc. <br />Council was referred to Planning Commission minutes of 8/6/86 and to Planning <br />memo (7/29/86). Miller explained that the applicant is proposing to construct <br />a convenience grocery store on the old service station site at Cleveland Ave. <br />and County Road D; noted that the site is zoned B-2, which permits retail <br />sales; noted that the service station requires a Special Use Permit. <br /> <br />In review of the site plan, Miller noted that variances of 60 and 55 feet will <br />be required from the 75' setback from the boundaries of residential; explained <br />that the 75' setback would reduce the building envelope to 22' x 100', if <br />enforced. <br /> <br />Miller noted the proposed location of the 4000 sq. ft. store at the northeast <br />corner of the site, and the location of the canopy over the gas pumps west of <br />the store, with parking in front of the store (west) and along the west of the <br />site. <br /> <br />Miller reported that the Planning Commission recommends denial of the ... <br />convenience store and service station, based on the negative neighborhood <br />comments received at the hearing that the proposed use is not desirable or <br />compatible to the neighborhood and does not comply with the guidelines of the <br />Comprehensive Plan. Miller noted that some of the concerns expressed were that <br />there are service stations, and a convenience grocery store, in the area now <br />which adequately serve the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Mr. Exley (Tom Thumb representative) explained that they purchased the property <br />about a year ago; noted it had previously been a service station; feels the Tom <br />Thumb convenience store and self-service gas will benefit the neighborhood; <br />showed a picture of the proposed site. <br />