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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, August 11, 1986 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Case No. 86-27, Special Use Permit for Existin~ Amoco Service Station and <br />Necessary Variances to Construct New Pumps, Under~round Tanks, Canopy and <br />Remodelin of Car Wash - Amoco Oil Com an 1306 W. Count Road E <br />Council was referred to Planning memo (7/30/86 and Planning Commission minutes <br />(8/6/86). Miller explained that the applicant is proposing several site <br />improvements at the existing station; noted that the changes are intended to <br />eliminate the several conditions on the site that are currently ordinance <br />violations; noted that the proposed canopy will require a 21' front setback <br />variance (50' required), and the existing parking, east of the station, has a <br />setback of 1 foot, requiring a 4' setback variance (5' required). Miller noted <br />that the station existed prior to the requirement of a Special Use Permit. <br />Because the proposed changes are significant, it is considered an appropriate . <br />time to bring the operation into conformance with the ordinance under a Special <br />Use Permit. <br /> <br />Miller reported that the Planning Commission recommends approval, subject to <br />the conditions listed in the minutes of 8/6/86; noted that the basis for <br />approval is that the overall improvements are beneficial to the appearance and <br />operation of the station, do not have a negative impact on adjacent properties <br />and are beneficial to the property. Miller noted that one of the conditions of <br />approval is that the landscaping and screening at the southeast corner of the <br />site be worked out to the mutual satisfaction of the business neighbor. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />Ted Brausen said he has talked with the landscaper and has been advised that <br />the existing trees can be relocated on the adjacent property (medical/dental <br />clinic property) to screen this area. Dr. Anderson was present at the meeting; <br />had stated at the Planning Commission that he had no objection to the <br />transplanting of these trees onto his site if it can be accomplished <br />satisfactorily. <br /> <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Hicks, that Council approve the Special Use Permit <br />for the existing Amoco service station including the proposed site improvements <br />and including the 21' front setback variance for the canopy and the 4' sideyard <br />setback for parking on the east of the site, subject to: <br /> <br />a. Submission to the City of a certified statement that underground <br />storage tank installation complies with the Minnesota Uniform Fire <br />Code, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulations, and permit <br />requirements of these agencies. <br /> <br />b. All exterior ~o comply with provisions of the sign ordinance. <br /> <br />c. Exterior storage/display of miscellaneous products (oil, anti-freeze, <br />window cleaner, fuel additives, tires, etc.) to be contained in <br />appropriate cabinets and/or racks on the pump islands and on walk <br />area in front of the building only. <br /> <br />d. No unscreened exterior storage shall be permitted. <br /> <br />e. All lighting under canopy to have hidden light source (when viewed <br />from public street) and sharp cut-off angle. <br /> <br />f. Approval of landscaping at northeast corner of site by adjacent <br />property owner and City Planner. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Case No. 86-28, Si~na~e Plan and Si~n Area Variance - North Hei~hts Lutheran <br />Church, 1700 W. Hi~hway 96 <br />Council was referred to Planning memo (7/28/86) and to Planning Commission <br />minutes (8/6/86). Miller noted that the signage plan was not part of the <br />previous NHLC approval; reported that the proposed sign plan seems reasonable <br />in terms of site identification; noted that the directional sign at the <br />intersection of STH 96 and 10, and the Snelling Avenue directional sign, <br />require area variances, as proposed. <br /> <br />Miller reported that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the signage <br />plan and the proposed area varianceprfor the intersection sign, and a reduced ~ <br />area variance for the Snelling Avenue sign at 7-1/2 square feet. <br />