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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, June 9 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />a "special area", has lived here 20 years, opposes apartments and subsidized <br />housing and looks for support from the City for his neighborhood. Wilmar noted <br />the request is for a 2.300 s.f. house, with a 200 foot driveway; expressed <br />concern for fire protection and for the value of the homes in the area. <br /> <br />Jon Finn (applicant) said he grew up in this area and used to play on this lot; <br />said the lot is heavily wooded, and it is in their best interest to plant <br />additional trees to protect their house from the Hazelnut Park lights. Finn <br />said they had an architect design the house to include what he called a <br />"mother-in-law" apartment in the lower level, with conunon utilities; explained <br />that they can qualify for a mortgage for this house; want to rent the lower <br />level to a student or someone at Presbyterian Homes (a local person) so his . <br />wife can raise their family. Finn said the house will meet all fire codes; <br />feels fire protection and snow removal are not valid neighborhood concerns. <br />Finn said the two-family house will dot generate additional traffic, and the <br />large trees will prevent a view of the house from the neighborhood; it will not <br />cause a visual problem in the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Harris Levine said that at the Planning Conunission, Finn said he'd rent to <br />college students; college students have friends; consequently, there will be <br />noise, cars, etc. Levine said we are afraid of these problems; are also afraid <br />of an "absentee" landlord and a neighborhood of transients; said the <br />neighborhood has always been one of single-family homes and we want to keep it <br />that way. <br /> <br />Lynden noted that the neighborhood concerns are apparently of boisterous and/or <br />obnoxious behavior; noted that conditions can be placed on a Special Use Permit <br />to control these concerns, e.g. no boisterous behavior past a certain hour in <br />the evening; explained that a complaint would be cause for rescinding the <br />S.U.P. <br /> <br />Levine stated that conditions are great, but if someone has to judge, is it <br />reasonable? Said renting to one person would be all right with him, and <br />possibly limiting to one car. Lynden noted that the applicant is apparently <br />agreeable to this also. <br /> <br />Mr. Finn said the reason for this request is to generate income so we can build <br />this house without my wife having to work. <br /> <br />In discussion, the following questions were answered by Finn. <br /> <br />1. You do intend to live in this house? Yes. <br />2. How much will the apartment area cost to complete? About $10,500 to <br />build this apartment. <br />3. It was noted that an alternate would be to not finish this portion at <br />this time. Finn said they have looked at this, and also looked at a <br />smaller house; explained either one will not do anything to reduce <br />labor costs; sewer and water costs will be the same; end result is not <br />much difference in monthly payments. <br />4. How long do you anticipate before reverting to a single-family <br />dwelling? Possibly ten years. <br />5. It was noted that it will take quite a few years of rental to recoup <br />this additional $10,500. Finn said his mortgage will be for 30 years. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council approve issuance of a Special Use . <br />Permit for the two-family dwelling for a five year period, subject to the <br />following: <br /> <br />1. It is the primary residence of the applicants (Finns) and if sold, it <br />will revert to a single-family residence at time of sale. <br />2. No more than two cars will be parked outside of this garage on a <br />permanent basis (4 vehicles on site). <br />3. No undue noise on the property after 10:00 p.m. <br /> <br />or the Special Use Permit will be revoked. <br /> <br />In discussion, Finn noted that, at times, the park is noisy after that hour; <br />suggested that the 5 year limit be changed to as long as owner-occupied, or <br />sold, whichever Occurs first. <br />