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<br />< <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, March 10, 1986 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Zak explained that it costs more to widen a bridge than to build a new bridge; <br />referred to the cost analysis of replacement widening; explained that the <br />project life of a new bridge is 60 years; widened bridge is 30 years; explained <br />that, based on the analysis as outlined, the complete replacement is considered <br />a cost effective measure and should be implemented. Zak was asked what was <br />done to the bridge when Lexington was improved a few years ago. Zak said the <br />bridge was not part of the improvement; an overlay of bituminous, to tie the <br />roadway together, was the extent of work on the bridge. Hicks asked the <br />interest rate used in the calculations. Answer was 4.5%. Hicks noted that the <br />90% federal funding is not "free money". <br /> <br />Zak was asked about the anticipated plans for future improvement of 1-694. Zak <br />said they anticipate a 6-lane roadway (3 in each direction). Zak was asked if . <br />all the bridge improvements get local support from the municipalities. Zak <br />said some are, and some are not; understands all those in Ramsey County will <br />have local support from cities. <br /> <br />Zak was asked if the proposed bridge project will be adequate for the <br />anticipated 1-694 project. Zak said when the highway project is done, the <br />bridge, as proposed. will not have to be re-done. <br /> <br />It was noted that it appears the County is paying very little of the cost of <br />the project, especially if it is using State Aid funds. <br /> <br />In discussion of traffic volumes, Zak said it is anticipated to increase.from <br />12,000 vehiCles/day to 20,000 vehicles/day (similar to the current volumes on <br />Silver Lake Road). Zak was asked if the semaphores will be replaced. Zak said <br />the signals will remain. <br /> <br />It was explained by Woodburn that Council's objection has been the continual <br />passdown of costs to the cities. <br /> <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Sather, that Council adopt Resolution No. 86-13. <br />REQUESTING MODIFICATION OF RAMSEY COUNTY COST SHARING POLICY BY MUNICIPALITIES <br />AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF ARDEN HILLS' SHARE OF I-694/LEXINGTON <br />BRIDGE/PATHWAY. Motion carried (Hansen, Sather, Peck, Woodburn voting in favor <br />of the motion, Hicks voting in opposition). (4-1) <br /> <br />Woodburn welcomed Ramsey County Commissioner Duane McCarty. McCarty said he <br />will relay Council's concerns to the Ramsey County Public Works Department and <br />to the Board of Commissioners; said that the subject of bridge, roads and the <br />traffic system is of major interest to him. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ATTORNEY JAMES LYNDEN <br /> <br />Petition for City to Install Streets and Utilities <br />Council was referred to letter/petition from Opus Corporation (1/20/86) <br />petitioning the City to prepare a feasibility report for the installation of <br />sanitary sewer. storm sewer, water and street (Northwoods Drive) in Northwoods <br />plat. (Opus representative not present.) \ <br /> <br />It was noted in discussion that a public hearing is not held if 100% of the <br />property owners petition the improvements. Lynden recommended adoption of the <br />resolution, with the understanding that there will be no public hearing, and <br />that Opus execute the Development Agreement. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Peck, that Council adopt Resolution No. 86-15. <br />ORDERING FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-W-P-ST 86-1, subject to: <br />(a) Both property owners (Opus/Reiling) not requesting a public hearing, <br />and <br />(b) Both property owners (Opus/Reiling) executing the Development Agreement. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br />