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<br />Minutes oz Regu~ar Counci~ M~eting, February 24, 1986 <br />Page 6 <br />noted that the majority oz Council ze~t that the zunding oz the <br />project vas inappropriate~y directed to municipa~ities zor vork on <br />county and state roads. <br /> <br />Counci~ considered Reso~ution <br />MODIFICATION OF COUNTY OF <br />MUNICIPALITIES AND AUTHORIZING <br />694/LEXINGTON BRIDGE/PATHWAY <br /> <br />No. 86-13, RESOLUTION REQUESTING <br />RAMSEY COST SHARING POLICY BY <br />PAYMENT OF ARDEN HILLS' SHARE OF <br /> <br />Counci~ reca~~ed the projected cost oz the project at $1.2 mi~~ion <br />more or ~essl noted that it seems inappropriate and vastezu~ to <br />tear up Lexington again - project shou~d have been incorporated in <br />the Lexington Avenue Improvement vhich vas recent~y comp~eted. <br />Necessity zor the bridge/pedestrien yay project at this time vas . <br />queried. It vas noted that the project cost is proposed to be <br />apportioned 90X Federa~, 8.1X State and the ba~ance <br />municipa~ities (1.9X)1 apparent purpose oz the project is to <br />provide greater bridge c~earance zor trazzic on 1-694. <br /> <br />Azter discussion, Counci~ concurred to invite MnDOT District <br />Engineer Kermit McRae to the March 10 Counci~ meeting to exp~ain <br />the need zor the bridge expenditure. <br /> <br />Leaaue oz Minnesota Cities Reauest re State Budaet Cuts <br />Council vas rezerred to request zrom Leegue zor assistance in <br />convincing the Legis~ature oz the severity oz the governor's <br />recommended cuts to cities. McNiesh asked Council's input on the <br />areas Arden Hi~ls vou~d help. Counci~ generally concurred to he~p <br />vith. ca~~ing/vriting legis~ators <br />vorking vith the press <br />inzorming City emp~oyees oz the problem <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />Ham~ine Avenue Improvement <br />Sather expressed concern re the <br />the Hamline Avenue matter at <br />motion to reconsider a previous <br />by a dissenting member. <br /> <br />manner in vhich Council dealt vith <br />the February 3 meetingl zeels the <br />motion shou~d rightzully have been <br /> <br />Woodburn said it is his understanding that any member can make a <br />motion, iz it is a nev .ession, vhether or not the motion rescinds <br />a zormer motion. Woodburn said any suspected procedura~ errors <br />vhich can and possibly do occur should be brought up et the time <br />the error is made, so it can be rectizied. <br /> <br />Board oz Appeals Appointment <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Sather, to ratizy <br />appointment oz Don Evane-as a member oz the Board oz <br />the balance oz 1986. Motion carried unanimous~y. (4-0) <br /> <br />the Mayor's <br />Appeals zor <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE.CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> <br />Cable TV Camera Operator Volunteers <br />Council vas rezerred to McNiesh's memo (2/21/86) inzorming Counci~ <br />oz zour camera operator volunteers, noting al~ vould have to take <br />the Group W camera course at $5.00 eech. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Sather, that Council authorize the $20.00 <br />zee to send the zour vo~unteers to camera c~ass. Motion carried <br />unanimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />City Clerks Conzerence <br />Sether moved, seconded by Hicks, that Counci~ approve McNiesh's <br />attendance at the Merch 19-21 C~erks Conzerence and authorize the <br />$90.00 conzerence zee. Motion carried unanimous~y. (4-0) <br /> <br />Apportionment Reso~utions. Reilina/Everest Investment II <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Hicks, that Counci~ adopt the zol~owing <br />Apportionment Reso~utions. <br />