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<br /> . . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, December 9 <br /> Page six <br /> Tom Mulcahy, 3530 Siems Court said he was on the Council when the Engineer <br /> was directed to prepare plans for this road; noted that when the design was <br /> ordered, it was for a 3-lane road because those residents we heard from at <br /> that time wanted a 3-lane road (Mulcahy preferred a narrower road); noted <br /> that the cost of a 2-lane road ($690,000) would reduce by about 1/2 the money <br /> Council must find, in addition to MSA funds; reported that, as a member of <br /> the Parks Committee, he supports the walkway to improve the aesthetics for <br /> this road. (Christoffersen concurred with Mulcahy's mathematics re a 2-lane <br /> versus 3-lane road.) <br /> N. Hansen asked if City can put stop signs on Hamline..can we really cut off <br /> Hamline from the freeway interchange? <br /> Answer - Van Wormer said he is not sure how the State would respond to that; . <br /> said the City would lose its State Aid funds and would have to pay back any <br /> funds it has used. Van Wormer said the 9,000 cars on Hamlin~ would have to <br /> use other streets, including residential streets. <br /> Jean Day said the traffic volume is not generated by the local area. <br /> Bill Oberreit said that Hamline is no longer a rural road; it gets lots of <br /> traffic; stopping HamUne at County Road F is "silly"; let's make Ham1ine <br /> safe - the road is narrow with deep ditches now on either side; noted that <br /> an acceleration lane will be constructed as you approach the Interstate. <br /> Oberreit asked who plows the sidewalk - Answer - No one. <br /> Tim TuKKle. 4126 James Circle said he is for the project; said he'd pay his <br /> share to get a safe road; reported quite a few accidents have occurred on <br /> HamUne; feels all those who use it should be assessed. Tuggle said we also <br /> need a safe place to cross Hamline; need a stop sign somewhere along Hamline. <br /> Mike Lynch said he'd like Council to consider a "Stop" sign; suggested one <br /> be installed on a temporary basis to see if it reduces the volume of traffic; <br /> suggested it be located at Floral and Hamline. Lynch said the City of Orono's <br /> philosophy is to never upgrade anything greater than it is now; stated it <br /> is a beautiful community and will remain that way. <br /> Christoffersen acknowledged that people on the cul-de-sacs, as well as the <br /> abutting property owners, use Hamline; noted that the assessment proposal <br /> is not to assess people on Hamline any more than those on a 7-ton residential <br /> street in Arden Hills. <br /> Hicks said if a left-turn lane is necessary for all turns off of Hamline, <br /> he doubts that the cost would be cut substantially by building a 2-lane road. <br /> After determining that there were no additional comments or questions, the <br /> public hearing was closed at 9:50 p.m. <br /> Peck moved to table Council action until the December 30 meeting. Motion <br /> was seconded by Sather. <br /> In discussion, Hicks asked the reason for tabling; feels 3-lane is about as <br /> narrow a road as we can build to accommodate turns; asked if Council is re- <br /> questing any new information; doesn't want to table if Council feels turn <br /> lanes are needed. <br /> Christoffersen reported that they were not able to get the survey prior to . <br /> the snow, said he wants to get the survey; feels the schedule outlined previ- <br /> ously can be met if Council delays its action until December 30. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> Adiournment <br /> Hansen moved, seconded by Sather, that the meeting adjourn at 9:55 p.m. Motion <br /> 122ed unanimo~~ {f ~~k/~~./ <br /> :4A Jl AZtt? <br /> Charlotte McNiesh Robert L. Woodburn . <br /> Clerk-Administrator Mayor <br /> Notice of MeetinK <br /> The next Special Council Meeting will be on Monday, December 16, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. <br /> at the Village Hall. <br />