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<br /> . <br /> Arden Hills EXHIBIT "A" , <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS CIVIC CENTER ZONING DESCRIPTION <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> STArE OF MINNESOTA 'TeMP Property" I <br /> Property zoning Description: <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 317 That part of the Southeast Quarter, the Southwest Quarter and the N6rthwes~ ~darIer of. <br /> AN ORDINANCe ADDING SECTION IV,A. TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Section 15, Township 30, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as beglflnHilQ at ~. <br /> ARDEN HILLS RELATING rO rHE RE.ZONING OF PROPERlY. southeast corner of said Section 15; thence South 89 degrees 29 minutes 54 seconds Weston <br /> THE ARDEN HillS CITY COUNCIL HEREBY ORDAINS THAT SECTION IV. A. IS HERESY an assumed bearing along the south line of tile Sol1lheast Quarter of said Section 15, a distance ~ <br /> ADDEO TO ZONING ORDINANCE #291 OF THE CITY OF ARDEN HilLS TO READ AS of 2647.26 feet to the southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of said S~ction la; thence I <br /> FOLLOWS, South 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds West along the south line 01 the So.uthwest Quartef of <br /> SecUon IV. A. Re-Zonlng said Section 15, a distance of 2061.73 feet: thence North 0 degrees 19 minutes 27 seconds <br /> The official map tor the City at Arden Hills Is hereby amended to Indicate that the West a distance of 2448.65 feet: thence North 61 degrees 15 minutes 39 -second, EHt,-.a <br /> d..cribed property In Exhibit A Is being re-zoned from an R.1 zone (S.lngle Family distance of 1522,02 feet: thence.south 89 d_egrees 58 minutes 51 seconds East, a diBtanrc: <br /> A..kientlal District) and 1-2 zone (General Industrial District) to 8 CC zone (CMe Center 275.00 feet: thence South 37 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds E~st, a distance of 593.84; <br /> DI_). thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West; a distance of 2131.33 teet; thence SouIh <br /> -=:ffltCtlvs Date. This ordinance shall become effective the day following its publication 49 degrees 57 minutes 56 seconds East, a distance of 387.06 feet; thence South 66 d~ree$ 54 <br /> .....t.......lon Date. Passed by the City Council of the City of Arden Hills the 13th day of minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 50.00 feet; thence Easterly on a tangential curve, <br /> December, 1999. concave to the north, having a radius at 500.00 feet, a central angle of 76 degrees 411"1'linub!Js <br /> Is! Dennis P:robet 11 seconds, a distance of 670.09 feet: thence North 36 degrees 18 minutes 32 seconds East, <br /> Mayor tangent to said cUlVe. a distance of 985,36 feet; thence North 89 degrees 16 m!nutes12 <br /> ATTEST: seconds East, a distance of 1210_55 feet. more or less, to the east line of the Southeast Quader <br /> IsI Joeep~ P. Lynch of said Section 15: thence South 0 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 1255.22 <br /> CIty Administrator feet to the poi'lt of beginning. <br /> (Land Area~, 184.5 acres, including Road RIW's) <br /> ---..-----.-. --..- _n___. <br /> r I <br /> , "CIVIC CENTER PARCEL" <br /> '--.... <br /> ) .......... .~ ZONING EXHIBiT ' <br /> . ~----" l FOR TIlF. CITY OF . <br /> .. '" ~ <br /> '--- ----........ ...... .J ' <br /> /1;.' \11\ "SRO" "-..,,-.- -.--. \1. ,.jI~~ <br /> . j" <br /> . ~. . , <br /> , - - <br /> - -\)~;;~. ,,', ,," <br /> , / ."/,:> llo" ~ <br /> .... ~"/.,, .. --. ... <br /> 'l.fJ'" , /// / ..///~../..-~ <br /> \ ,'J'l-...//_,///>'//~..../.:-<.' < <br /> ,J,- //.'./,-./ __ <br /> \ #./ / (/, "-,_e' 7f7j;/ _"'Oo~____ ----- .... -. -----I J <br /> - -- ---7.......;.. / /-F-'~-' /"""7 .' //../7/' Z r <br /> . I _ ;/".,_,.///,//, __/.,,:!y ...... <br /> I ., if/""'-""'" '/"'11 - <br /> . -"'-- '/ //U////.'..'///,. .// '~~ .:- rl <br /> I all ' ,- / ./ / .' / / / ' , '/ . . -' -', /, I ~ j <br /> " /'-.' ,// ,///." //'///. - ~ ..' <br /> '/;~<>;>;/ />>~":";":"<--;//';,..:./ ;/~ Z g 1 <br /> /////.//,</////...,0>./1// lIaspll I u ~ I <br /> ;?r~;~;;;;;?:;;;;:::;:~:;;;::~'/'; \ i I. ~ : i J <br /> // /t;t>/// /,.' /// // ''-/'''//:'-:-:~ . I, l~. llt~CH.. 500FE(T <br /> \ / ....\. .,.. .' <br /> .;', //; CIVIC CENTER ~;~;;; . l!I <br /> I ~/<'///////'////////J/; ,"'['''00 />~,////</:,/.///~X-;' . BRW .i!t."Io'l$j <br /> '(//:>/;~,0';"><<~::'<<::>/4?'/'//~/ "'/"~>:>;/'<~~':0;>~"~>~4>':> //::;: . ' UN <br /> '.' -.'" , . ~ ,.., -' '- .~. <br /> ------------. .--- ;.4- -r..,.L-A/-~61/~/ ~ - ,/" .-, /r'77/...f.-' /t /~T// /// /.. y~. AMMESIlMOOR[(IRCUmMPAHy <br /> swmR ...----~-- 1'-/'>////>/_~'E:!. ,..LLL' ",..~ '/.. '..:L.:/.-////67b:L.L // /<.L.L.f" , <br /> stCRON" . 5900'''' "'''''' "N( or ,w'. '" ,",C'ON''''.. '''''''' UN' Of SE', Of sEeno" ".,- om,12-"....- <br /> ________. __ Hl'IY. 96..__._. ___~, <br /> (Bulletin: May 3, 2000) <br /> - <br />