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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 30, 1984 <br />Page Seven <br /> <br />NCR 395 <br />McNlesh reported that NCR machine can no longer be maIntained <br />because there are no parts available; noted It consequently <br />has no resale value and Is temporarily being stored In the Public <br />Works building. McNlesh reported that It cannot be scrapped <br />without Council approval; reported that Johansen has said he could <br />use parts of It for a desk In his office; balance could then be <br />scrapped. Council concurred that the NCR 395 be deleted from the <br />City's fixed assets as described. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Committee LIaisons <br />Woodburn-asked Councll's'preferences for 1984 committee liaison <br />appointments for his consideration; deferred making appointments <br />until the next Council Meeting. <br /> <br />Add...!.1..Lp_~-.J.l.guor L1ceB2~_ In Arden Hills <br />Christiansen suggested that the question of whether Arden Hills <br />should or should not permit additional I iquor licenses, be added <br />to the ballot as a question In the 1984 General Election. <br /> <br />Matter was deferred to a spring Council Meeting as an Agenda Item <br />for Councl I consideration. <br /> <br />1984 Street Swee.E.l.!1Q Agreement - New Brl..ghton/Ard~J!.J:!.!l.!.E_ <br />McNlesh referred Council to proposed Agreement between Arden HIlls <br />and New Brighton for 1984; reported It Is the same as In 1983 wIth <br />the exception of the cost, which Is Increased to $35/hour. <br /> <br />Street Sweeping for 1984 was referred to the Public Works <br />Committee, at Its next meeting, for Its recommendations to Council <br />at the February 27th Council MeetIng. <br /> <br />Adjournment <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Christiansen, that the meeting adjourn <br />at 11:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Charlotte McNlesh <br />Clerk Administrator <br /> <br />i?~~~~ <br /> <br />Robert L. Woodburn <br />Mayor <br /> <br />Notice of MeetlnQ <br />The next Regular Council <br />13th at 7:30 p.m. at the <br /> <br />Meeting wi I I be held on Monday, February <br />Village Hall. <br /> <br />. <br />