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<br />I . . /2- -'zi-,J15 <br /> <br />, '_ ~;,', Arden HilL.t ~ T1IIt JIUUZT1N Wed <br /> <br /> <br />I ..~~~?t~r~~~~mmitte~:OI:des tas~~~',"" <br />I - . . (Ii <br />U .. - ~ <br />vento comnuttee olI1act'bUaslriprqlel1ybideldied lIe.saktthctoolJllll'lybasnomooey De(en~DepuunenlhBSrecelyed . . <br />: , , .. aJonl Hlsb....y 10 and Inlef.lale OCMo.rm(oramolk!Mklll. b1D1Ol1s ordollan more'" funding lilliE SUbURbA <br />: reaches consensus 15W.A"VId8.Ceft('~ OllbertsaldlhecornpanYf;oold rlOOl~thaDkn!q~ilis 2515 E. 7th Ave <br />I d . I . . Ira Is lIUo pq:IO!liI!d 011 the.soudl:nl potendally abandon Building. ~16 drastJcaDy parinl bedt Ihe amounl. or 777 I <br />I on an usep an. :bctdcrolthcprop:ny.~ (usedroc5fOragc)whkhlsadjacent moneyilbOOgetllofcnvlronmcntal . <br />. ,..bete !be National. Guard amemly ID !he. NIllk;lnaI Guard vehlde strnge deanup. , <br />br Jr", Sehwartz SkftSiI$\tiIlcb.. grounds, The O(lCIlIUons In Buildlag Ino4herwmJs.a~thIIt_ to see how you ( <br />IlmaywcBbc"alboosandyWs" .nebOUSCloalflP:weslern 301,CunbertodJewest,cooldalso orl&lnaDY~fOilIte20yc:ar! filii <br />~ New BrlgIIloD CIIY Mmagl!l' M8d. border, vhible Crom lnlCOUll! poulblybe consolidated 11'110 may IlOI be tm'Ifllcttd in Iwb WI · <br />FulIDn said _ pcrhIps just SOOlC'IIbat Highway 3SW, would be razed or Duildlnp 100 Pnd 104, But Buildial time. In Ilddillon, the Deren.!: <br />I 'aerlinusl, - before Illy reuse $Old 10 be IIlOftd off the propcfty, :302 Is beIIeYed 10 be cae of the JroSl Departme1It and Its conll'XlOtS 3!e h rd <br />aaivitylakesplace.theTwinCides AITordlIble booMS pm M:l'IIId be belIIvllY<Of1lAm.lnatedsltes 011 the lobbying for, a po.licy lbat W1)Ukl w en yo~ 0 el <br />Army AmmullltJon Plant!.rl Arden 'lndudc:d In proposals for tbe pqmy. ~,~ establlsIIccr1IilllleYdsoldeanuplhat st3uonery <br />IIilIs. dlMlopment or new bolIsillg m tbl! ' Gilbert lidded that.the COD'lp*!y would be (CII1tlDgenl on fucure land <br />Ballflernurlyl6motlwof Ar1eIlIIlpmperty. may also be able to CCDSOIIdatc some usc.Forcumple.bnclptOJl()Sedl'or. ~~ <br />1Yll:'.CIlnp.theTCAAPR.e-ulllizabon .OtberamertitieslDdudeacanoe ofllH:powdetmagwnet, lhereby \J5IClI5lpwUlglotwouldnot~ . <br />ttmnnlt:ebasC'OlllpIefJ:dWmltooa route .Ilonl Rice Creek and an Iedudngtherequlm;l5llfetyIR5.As c:Ieanup!othel::l:lenlollandassigncd . <br />I t>elofrecommendalionsthatwill a~tieldcc:mplex,' ',..'. ,fCl!'funherCOlls~adons,GlIbert ,lOa~dl. ~. <br />~:,'he federallovemmcnt In " tb! NaIionaI GamI. whidIi bas,. Aid. "We cooldn I (on:sce It set of j' ; ~. <br />. I the future: a the 2,4I)).atte petilb:Ied 1he Ddemc 0epBrtmmt Q circumMlCe5 where we would not. While the Ie-use cunmllke's tao;k Album of Wedl <br />former arms plant. Tbe.commhlct:. use a larger pMfoJl ol1he property : beilltbosebuikllngs(l03.and 104)." appears nearly complete, olber <br />tbarged by Congressman Btu,ce (or tnlioln,. would-COIlItlnue Ill' '.....' . goopI!I wtII cootInue In lheIrdl'om. to . <br />I ;vento (D-SL Paul) 10 develop a reo operadon5.IheJ\aeDlllirdeBnildy. Contamilll.Uon pn;Jblems" .. mold tbe future of the largest <br />use plan for the Arsenal, met for . 'The Arsenal Is belieVed lObe remaining undevelqled-n:llldvcly " ~ <br />~ore than five bours in New OnU)Wa'llJ!nston Onc or UK most environmentally- 'sptaking:.- parcel of land In the . <br />;&igblon Dee, 16 in what was billed Once the final details arc . coollmiinared pieces o(propcrty in Twin Oties IRa lboagb no one will <br />JlStbegroop.srtnal.formalmceting. assembled and Ibe committee.: tbeslaleand,nad~'A[()l.lofI4; sayflll"~soneIhioSmayh.1WcR <br />! AmonS Lbc committee's reco- tnanbma~tbat tbeyn:l\ecttbc~. Illcs contalnlng.poleDtllUy I.lfe~ with tile propeny sometbne before <br />I ~ undeutandingo(the luacs (no threllenlngchel'!dcalshavebeen.thel.noftllenextmillennil.m,Dec. t...SNORlNG?Nc <br />. A minlmum of 1,100 acres Sd further meetings are planned), I IdcnllRed: Furthermore, while the 31,3001), in <br />aside as a regional park reserve to report will be forwarded by ,........ ar <br />protecl some 01 the area's unique Conpasman Vento to !be fcderal N . _~_ .~___ <br />nonlllndfauna. QcIM! Services Adnrilllstratiou, EWSBRIEFS ror InlOrulion ClllI, "'hdic.1 Sn. <br />The pl!ItI: ~ win encompass ~hlcb overseeJ !be dlspotal of, . <br />I t:~of~~::;:g~~~::: ~lllro:;'~ summary, the Recycling pickup delayed a day . <br />HamIlne avenues. the kanes,. or hil1s" report wUllndude IIDIIp uultining . New BrigblOD residents are reminded Ihat due to !be New Year's Day <br />In Ihcaonb-eenttal area, theRJcc tbtIaIlIInaIeuseoltbc2,400~u IloIklayfalllngcntberIr5lMandaydlhemoudJ.~6ng~fi:Jr"~ <br />CRekaJl'ridorinthenortbwest.ata well lIS. hundreds of palCl.of DJrtflorlnlclslDre-694w1ltbeoo1bcsday.Jan,2.~wI1lbenorecydins 5 GOOD <br />'green bell Lbll will COOltCCI Rice supporting documentl dcveklped pkbpon the bollday. RecycUng pickups fIX bod:l!be nottb and sooth sides oC <br />OeeklOlhemstemopen lands. over die course or dle commItIiM:'s NcwBrigbtonwiUbeTueaday,J...2. , <br />..';W1Id1lfc eJ:pel'ts arJuc tha.tthc m<<tings.1bc2O-mcmb:ro:mIaiaee I"ldtups may~ later than usual, heOluse \hi! alDtmcted recycler will be 'WIlY Collectots Gal <br />beltls~lOpQlectmlgradcl1 . Includes .reprelentatlves from a,!nStbemln:dtyononeday.If)'OOh1vcquesdoosabout~&lg.aill ,_,','. -- - <br />I _"'wIldUf.......""""",. ....r...."..""...'..~"I...' C-"'s.m__Frid....16l..2Il6'-rr_"'_w;~_ . Departme!).t'.56:Vi <br />liJW:llng: the mdanJUCd Blanding's Guard. Ramsey Comtty aad other pk:tup.~IEZReqdn8..~11_ . <br />!urtle,TbcY3f1UedlhallbebeU ~inta=tcdintbefDtlftollbe '1" .,'.., ~rTat[:::: <br />I ......""""''''.......In_ ...-- - Rainbow Foods has bus passes '-'9;')'"' <br />butdlemmmiltec.agrmltbaumad Butbeloru:t)'lhlD,h8ppcm.IwU. ., - - ,',-'ji <br />Iojould be neee!.laty loconnect .maja"tBrriEr$stan:iintbeway, _ ~Rainbowr'OOdS\lJIeat441Hlshway96ISDOWsdJjnIWspwcslnd P.~r _.,. \.... <br />CountyRoedll2lOdevelopo:Jweu .AlltllRlTechsYllems,whlcb' ....., COlleclM.............1IIIlWE.l <br />lIi.tIle northl:ast. ilK'ludlng a Joirllly.~ employs aboDl 1,000, people in its Monthly ~ passes and lo-ride Ilckel5 Will be available 8l1ha store S 1 m.GIJIUf "Iii till tIlfnII SDOt <br />~publlcwcrksfacilily; ': muullimsmanufacturmzopcndbls 1~~COIRer. . HIflI.YllIIIlI.........KCft..1 <br />,. . on ~ Arsenal property, bas DO ' 1be IIlgbway96Rainbowi<ic:meoC IS Ru.inbows~ have~ fD.sell <br />I Joint public works f.~lIlty Jlftfttion of ~vinl. The couIpaly; bus pll'IS1C5 tmder an.apemenl With Melru(d~ Council TnJR$d 0peraIj0ns. 2 c.lI.clen .BaBIr? WllllllIIII. ~ 9IY <br />:' 'TlepubtIcWOfbfacllit!fwould wbkllpaysnoJl'OPtliytaus,udIbz!:s _(Jv1CTO).Thepas:sesaregoodatanYOltbe~glOOshusservlccs. . to,~atlfMl_ OI!JII!Il!EU:.IC <br />&bulhonappro.lUtJUlll!:1 80 .~bolldinp:twororpmdUl;tion' MCIDislhen:gion'slargestpuvKh:rofmasslnlnslt.SCJVica.CD5Iunm .1Jhl1l.......,.'-..lft1nIdn'm; <br />lbOul 200 yards south ~fC= . and one "for 5lOl1lBe. Tbc oompany' :boIud Its buses1Jllll'e ~ 2OO.000tlmes~ach~on lS.5 ~ ~prm ~ 1I"'-'18I!l11HnllKlRltn,..llldlOl <br />Road I. As proposed. tIlc'facllity also Ulllb:cs a series of powder ron~ roules, It,-1sO oversees MelqJ Moblhty, lbe region s paralr.lmlt 3 CentdDnlGalmy._. _Illlt'tlllltc' <br />I 'wOO~bybllihandoperatedbythe ~thatSlretcbalm:lSl~~. \~-, .' i,_ij.j-~." ..: ._ ,.'~~.lW'M_IJIlIII..K.IA~ <br />MIID$Ota,NaUona1Guard;_' ,. .\, _ lDnttoltbo "- '1 '.MI'~ J 'f)! JII'J.IlIt:,;t"'...., -..~J lla, "-, ,. <br />."""",,,,,_...",< .~-~""..,-~jl.tKllPIlc oughlfo"\~0l1ri~"'I:i6U~J>'" '~=:'":il. <br />, .. Somewhere belween 400 a.nd Safety arcs _ , . . , d. ,", <br />~DO acres of the property will be 1 Bc:cause the company lJI8IJufac. COmmiSSiOn ~,;. \1 5~eontdan: ~'" ~ 1Illt..J.. <br />identiflCd fIX residc:r1tia1 dc:Rlopmcnt' ~ures ellp~ives, it m~1 mi~n 'Rarmey County is seeking ~icanl5 for eight posItims on the food In! . ..~.~~. _.....1Iftrn _1..._ <br />I In two prtmary Il"ClS: In the safetya:a aouxIIbelropc:nllitns,1 DUUitlonttll'MliMion, which metl:l from 3 to4:30p.m.inJlI\UaIY,Mardl. '~l~'.'-" . ~ <br />sbuLbwesl c"orner In ~ arc Shape; 'ThosellfC5rovcrnc:arlycwo.thlnhof, May,July,Sc:plemterandNQ'IembI:r.bnthethIrdT.edayor1te~th. ~_ .' <br />~I~ng a proposed active/passive, !be ArY;naI property- Furtbennore.: 1: AppllcatlOfls at;e available by calling Bobble Sebleper 81,266-8001. .' .\i:",;, I.;;o'l:~_.._ _ <br />,~~atlon an::a - possibly a 80lf, they.~ DCtlfIy emy devcIopMlle. Ccmpleted applladorts llre dI2 by Jan, lO. For DlIR infmnslioD. call Rob Woodburj Village ShoppIng ( <br />COUI5e - and In the north ccoltal" ~. Fultm,dm:tor,RmlscyCoonty PubLlcHeahbDc:panmtm.a!UJ6.~24. ...eostol~1I'n ~c <br />abutting CCIJIlty Rood I. ' . -..a)'JIe GIIbm, dlm:tor of $We " - . - , on ,... <br />I . Arden Hills would construct a and community affairs for AlIlanl, WE BUY SILVER <br />uewclly hall near Sunflsb L.ake saiddUriniltheDec.14~gtblrt <br />'siuroundtd byapqlO5Cdpartlna~ . the company would be: willing to ~~ c '''''' 'If". NG ,lVl~ OOle'"' <br />atea,inchdinganlnle1'pl'edvccmlc:T, consolkJatesomeofltsopenuions' ('%1\1, ,~,.-~:,'(".:~,~~.~';;'~;,~,\" -..', <br />. Commcrcial and pnMdeditre:eivedWl5idc:fuading, ~OCO,~,,~" <br />738-8352 <br />I DON'T MIS$ A GREAT OPPORTUNITY <br />I WHEN YOU SEE ONE... OUR NAME MEANS A GlU <br />HURRY IN TO ~(fINANCE BUORlINTIRIST RATES RISE AGAlNI <br /> <br />. NEEDCASHFORHOM''''''OVEMENIS.RENOOBNG. '95 O. Idsmobile Cie <br />lANDSCAPING. OR COlIfGE'EDUCAtICNi " , <br />I .rlX""''''''go,..;""",."",FHA,VA<<~''''''_ . '. $10 19 <br />__ hove 1M ellpefietlce. Io!erl and l~ STARTING FROM , <br />,.,.,r;.,..4"OTIOItgoge~llydesigned <br /> <br />. -.nx"",_wO .' ,-. ~~'..,=::' <br /> <br />All ......m ~ <br />..::...~-".. <',.;i"...- ~'~--" '~~~ <br />~"- .',.~n_,.,~ <br />