<br /> ------- --- -- - ------------
<br />III. Procedures Relating to the Transfcr of Authority or Establishment of an Economic
<br /> Development District. .
<br /> A, Transfcr of Authoritv. Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.094 allows the City to
<br /> divide auy of the powers granted under Sections 469,001 to 469.047 and 469.090
<br /> to 469.108, relating to economic development, housing and redevelopment,
<br /> between the economic development authority and any other authority, An
<br /> ordinance, passed by the City Council, allows the powers to be divided among the
<br /> authorities.
<br /> Also, the City may, by resolution, transfer the control, authority and operation of
<br /> any project as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subd. 8 or any
<br /> program or project which is authorized by Sections 469.001 to 469,047 or
<br /> Sections 469.124 to 469.134 to the Authority. The economic development
<br /> authority may exercise all of the powers that the previous governing unit
<br /> exercised with respect to the project. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469,094, subd.
<br /> 2,
<br /> B. Establishment of an Eeonomic Development District. Pursuant to Minnesota
<br /> Statutes, Section 469.101, subd. 1, an Authority may create an economic
<br /> development district(s) the ("District") at any place or places within the City -
<br /> provided that:
<br /> -
<br /> 1. The District must satisfy the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section
<br /> 469.174, subd. 10 (findings for a redevelopment tax increment financing . iii
<br /> district).
<br /> -
<br /> 2, The District boundaries must be contiguous, I
<br /> 3, The Authority holds a public hearing on the establishment of the District
<br /> with at least a ten,day publication notice, I
<br /> 4, The Authority makes the finding that the District is proper and desirable to
<br /> establish and develop within the City. I
<br />IV, Powers of the Authority. I
<br /> A, Property. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.101, subd. 2, 3,4,5,6,7,
<br /> 10,13,17, and 18:
<br /> 1. An Authority may acquire by lease, purchase, gift, devise, or I
<br /> condemnation proceedings, the needs rights, title and interest in property
<br /> to create economic development districts. I
<br /> 2, An Authority may sign options to purchase, sell or lease property.
<br /> 4 .1
<br /> I
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